Sorry and some new info

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Hello readers, author here, I want to say that I'm sorry for not online those few weeks ago but I would try my best to update the story. Hope you all understand my situation.

Now onto the news:

Atlas will built their first and second robots by using Galactron's parts and king joe Atlas custom, it kinda same as storage custom but with more firepower and will appear during volume 2 where the Grimm invade vale scene.

Another things is that Penny got her own cyber monsters and it is cyber red king and gan q, they will appear in beacon falls(during last chapter) and she will not died by Pyrrha's hallucinations( that's mean Emerald's semblance)

Lastly, team JNPR have a secret relationship between with Greeza and Neo, and a heirloom of the giant of light(known as Tiga) and Weiss will have a secret relationship with her unknown birthright father and Willow. Blake's obtain the guardians of the earth during her returning to Menagerie. ( I think you know who is it)

Almost forgot, terrible Monsters will be returning as well and alien barossa will appear in the future chapters. Horoboros will be come Ruby's pet(note: Horoboros was bring back by Cosmos and be friend with Zwei but unfortunately he died by old age, RIP Zwei) and Grigio species will have my own Grigio species Grigio Leo (the final form of Grigio bone, if it a male). It has reddish skin along with blue outlines all over it's body and a double huge cannons on both of its shoulders. Ultraman X will receive with new cyber armours and that's is Cyber red king, Gan Q, Five king and Baltan. Almost forgot to mention that, Summer is not dead in this story. What happened to her is that she was captured by an alien out of nowhere.

That's all for now, stay tune for chapter 8.

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