Chapter 1

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I Meet a Girl Who Loves Smelling Candles

POV: Henry

A cool breeze blew through, cooling me down from the hot summer's heat. I stalked up the hill in knee-high grass, clutching the straps of my backpack as I walked up. At the top of the hill stood an old tree that seemed to be splitting in half. Even though it was a nice day out and the sun was shining in a clear sky, I couldn't shake the chills from running down my spine as I got closer.

I knew whatever I was after appeared here at the top of this hill in the tree. It wasn't a myth or a legend; it was an Aspiration. And the particular Aspiration I was after could give me what I so desperately wanted, even if the stories whispered about it were dangerous.

And it was kind of funny. I had told no one, not even my parents, that after school I would be venturing here alone. So if it really was dangerous, I might be screwed. But, Aspirations were said to be shy and only show themselves to those who are true... whatever that means.

My legs had begun to ache from the long walk I had been on, but I was almost to the top. Once the last school bell rang I darted off to here. And as I stalked up the hill I kept running through my thoughts about this: would it really be worth it? From what I've read up on this Aspiration, it's one of the more powerful ones. It's said to be one of the Eleven Aspirations. But whatever the risk was, it had what I wanted.

I had finally reached the top, panting and slid my bag off my shoulders to the ground. It was such a weight and I'm not the most athletic person. Just walking all the way up here was enough for me. But, the sun would be setting soon and I didn't want to do in the dark. Calling an Aspiration was creepy enough.

I walked over to the tree, the trunk splitting right down the middle. The branches were all tangled and a few yellowish swayed in the wind. But right down the crack was a hole that seemed to go all the way down to the center of earth. I backed up. Is this where it lived? In the hole?

I rubbed my neck, wishing the shivers to go away. I just have to tell myself this isn't as scary as it seems. Every story I've read about this Aspiration made it seem... unpredictable.

I glanced over the view that the hill gave to see my small town in the distance. This tree sat at the edge and beyond it, well, I don't really want to find out. My town is safe and protected by guards. The outside world was dangerous and I was safer here. At least, that's what my mother and teachers said. Nobody in my town bothered to pass the border and see why lied beyond. It was sort of illegal. But what I was going to do now was also not allowed, that's why I had come alone and told no one. I would get in huge trouble if someone found out.

But I didn't have time to contemplate about all of that . I came up here for one reason and time was slipping away. I went over and kneeled by my bag, unzipping the front pocket. I had read many ways to call this Aspiration and most of them said to offer something. An offer of what exactly?

I pulled out three small candles (all scented cinnamon), a match box, and a small red pocket knife my grandfather gave me when I was young. I really didn't want to slice open my own finger, but if that's what it took then it was a small price I would pay.

I went over to the base of the trunk and placed the three candles in a triangle. I then struck the match, careful of the small breeze, and lit each one. For the size, I could surprisingly smell the cinnamon scent. I then began to clear out the area in side the triangle, brushing away all the leaves and sticks until only dirt was left. In the dirt I was supposed to draw the Aspiration's symbol in my own blood. Each Aspiration had it's own symbol.

I shakily lifted the knife to my finger. I took a deep breath and held it.

Just one tiny, little-

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