Chapter 17

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I'm in a Teeny Tiny Amount of Trouble

POV: Aspiration #8: Double-Deal (Hyrumn)

I never blacked out or fell unconscious during the whole torturous process, but I did lay on the floor in a daze for what felt like hours. I just kept waiting and waiting to slip away, but I never did. And I never once heard her voice but I knew she had escaped.

Amonae was out. She had somehow found a way to escape. She just disappeared like that. She didn't need my body anymore as a steering wheel or puppet. But after I knew she had gone, I couldn't force myself to get up and go after her. The burning sensation on my back was still there and even if the card had fallen off my forehead, it still felt it as if it were there.

Out of all times, out of all places, out of all Aspirations, Reverse had to show up. The only one I was told to stay away from and run if I ever saw him just happened to be there. And I hate to say it, but I was slightly angry with Mischief for falling for his tricks. That soundless card Aspiration was the only one who could let out the monster in me. And who knows what she's doing now.

I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to find Henry. He can't leave until our deal's over and it won't be over until I get her back and locked up. Oh, he was going to be mad. He'd just have to deal with it though because Reverse just made things a whole lot more dangerous and he needed to be by my side and under my protection 24/7. Who knows what she could do if she got a hold of him and convinced him to make a deal?

I knew, but that wasn't something I was going to think about. I needed to get up and find him.

I rolled over and put my palms on the floor, fighting against gravity to stand. I had gotten to my knees when I heard footsteps coming my way. Loud, large footsteps. I looked over my shoulder to find Nine, Two, and Eleven coming my way and fast.

I wasn't even going to try to move or try to run away. I knew I couldn't escape them in this state and was better off enduring them screaming at me now than later. But Eleven's ghost hands still shot up out of the floor and grabbed my arms and legs.

"Don't try to resist." His voice rattling the endless hall. I didn't. I just watched as they closed in. They all stood around me in a misshapen circle. "Who am I speaking to?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're speaking to me." I said. He leaned over and grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled my head to his level. It didn't hurt, just made me agitated.

"Which Eight am I speaking to?" He asked again.

"Hyrumn." I finally said. "It's just Hyrumn." He didn't let go. His stare only intensified.

"Where's the other?"

"I don't know."

"We're not going to play games. Let her come out." I tried to move my arms to get his hand off me, but I forgot that I was in a somewhat stuck position.

"I can't."

"Why won't you?" His voice was threatening.

"I can't." I repeated again. "Because she's not here. She escaped." He let me drop back to the ground.

"Where is she?"

"I feel like we've been over this already." I said. He let out a growl which I knew was bad but I wasn't really in a caring mood.

"Eight." He warned. But luckily Nine stepped in.

"How is it possible that she just walked away?" He asked. "She didn't ever have a body, did she?" I shook my head.

"I don't know." I admitted. "But she's not in me anymore and getting her back before she does anything is all that matters so we don't have time to bicker." I glared at Eleven when I said the last part. He returned it.

The ghost hands let go and shrunk back into the floor. I rubbed my wrists as Two helped me up.

"Then we don't have time to waste." Eleven said. "Where do you think she would've gone?" I racked in my brain. I had an idea, actually I had multiple ideas. But first...

"I need my human first." I said. "Where'd you leave Henry?"

"That's not relevant." Eleven said.

"In your room." Both Two and Nine said. I gave them a smile while Eleven's glare at them screamed dead meat.

"First I go get him, then I might have an idea of where she is."

"Retrieving your human isn't a necessity right now."

"It is for me." I said. "And you're not gonna change my mind."

Eleven and I had a brief stare off. And unlike my usual self, I wasn't enjoying it and doing it more for dominance. Though before we could finish, Nine cut in.

"We probably should go back to the house, Eleven. We might need Five and Three for this."

Eleven straightened and then looked over toward Nine, deeming me the winner.

"Fine. But once we get them and you find your toy, it's business." I nodded with a slight smile.

"As always." I said.

"Two, you go scout Mischiefs room for Reverse and any sign of information he might've left." She bobbed a nod and headed into the room underneath the crack of the door. Nine walked ahead of us and Eleven took my side for "extra precautions". I looked over at him.

"I know now's not really the best time but I left my dagger in there and-" He smacked me across the back of the head. "Right. Sorry."

The whole way back Eleven was grumbling and I'm pretty sure it was about how irresponsible I was. But I wasn't paying attention to that, I was focusing on trying to read her. Whenever she was in me I could hear her voice and thoughts, but now it was more like... emotions.

And wherever she was, whatever she was doing, she was plenty happy. And knowing Amonae, happy meant people got hurt.

Wow that was a short chapter

Next chapter is in Henry's pov with Amonae

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