Chapter 16

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Here We Go with the Evil Twin Cliche

I arrived at her house's door step breathless and shook. Find Eleven. That's what I was to do. What was happening, I didn't know. Where was Eleven, I didn't know. Hopefully he was here. I needed him quick and I needed him now. Even if I froze when I saw him and would probably die of fright if he scared me, I needed to man up and help Hyrumn. Do it for Hyrumn.

I burst into the house and ran down until I reached the living room. In the living room sat the guy made up of body parts, Nine, and a white blob full of items. I stopped, their attention on me. The white blob got up and moved my way. I opened my mouth to spill all the words of worry I had and how I needed to find Eleven, but none came out.

"Isn't that Eight's human?" Number Nine asked.

"I recognize them from the other night." The blob said. It came closer to me and I took a small step back. "What are you doing alone?"

"I-I..." My eyes flickered between the two.

"You aren't lost, are you?" It asked. I shook my head, regaining my strength to speak.

"Hyr-Eight told me to... she told me to get Eleven." I stammered. "I think she's hurt."

The white blob made a gurgling sound that might have been a laugh. "Eight never needs help."

"S-She's hurt." I said again. "She told me to find Eleven so if you could help me find him-"

It began to cut me off, but the limbed Aspiration spoke up for me.

"He could be serious. Let him speak." He gestured to me with several arms. "What is it, human? What happened?" I took a deep breath.

"We were going after Mischief and another Aspiration showed up. And she acted strange around him. Like she seemed scared and I've never seen her scared."

"Go on."

"A-And so we were trying to make a run for it and we escaped but a card hit her in the head and she wouldn't get up." The two Aspirations looked at each other.

"Do you know what Aspiration it was?" He asked. I racked in my brain for the name.

"It was, um... it started with an R. The guy didn't speak he used cards, if that helps." Nine went as white as the blob that was now looking green.

"Reverse." They said at the same time.

"Y-Yeah!" That was his name. The blob suddenly rushed passed me and Nine took a knee by my side. He put one of his many arms on my shoulder and I resisted the urge to shake it off.

"Where are they going?" I asked, knowing something was up.

"Listen, human, if you're right this could be very, very bad. So answer me honestly." I nodded. "Where is Eight right now?"

"I don't know. I left her in Time Stop. She told me to go."

"And the card that hit her, what did it say?" I shook my head.

"It was all symbols I didn't recognize. But when it hit her she started to shake and black stuff was running out of her eyes and nose." I pushed away the image. Nine swore under his breath.

"What doors were you by? Was anyone else around?"

"W-We were by Mischief's door. It was just us, I think." He took his hand off me and stood back up to his massive height, but it was no where near the height of Eleven's as he came storming toward us with the other Aspiration.

"I heard the claim." He said, his voice thunder in my head. "Is it true?" Though, he didn't look at me, he looked at Nine.

"We shouldn't risk it. I know where she might be, if we can get there in time-"

"Then let's go." He said. He pushed passed us and the other two followed him. I started to walk with them when the blob stopped me.

"You shouldn't come." They said. "Go stay in Eight's room and we can deal with you later." I thought about arguing, but it would be no use. I stood and watched as they barged out of the house and left me alone.

I made my way to Hyrumn's room and curled up in the closet. I picked up my pocket knife that was in my shoes and fidgeted with it to help calm my nerves. Hyrumn, whatever happened, please be ok. Please don't be hurt.

My head snapped up at the sound of her door opening. I listened as soft footsteps slowly walked around the room. Hyrumn? No, she couldn't already be here. So it had to be one of the other Aspirations. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it close to me, gripping my knife tight in my hand for some protection.

My heart jumped when the closet door slid open, revealing me to the intruder. But it wasn't an intruder... it was Hyrumn.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. She locked eyes with me and gasped. It looked exactly like her except the whites of her eyes were black and her teeth were slightly pointed. But other than that her blood-red eyes had that hungry glow and she still wore her childish grin.

"A human!" She exclaimed in excitement. Well, yes she knew that. She bent down and got in my face. She poked my cheek and grinned, her eyes wild.

"Hyrumn." I said, batting away her hand.

"No, silly." She said. She stood back up. And as she did I realized that this wasn't actually who I thought it was. Even if they had the same face, same voice, even same blood lusting eyes, there was something off about her. Something that suddenly made my blood run cold. And I hadn't noticed it until now but the girl standing before me was also in a different outfit. No usual braid, either. She didn't wear shoes and in fact she seemed to wear barely anything. Just a plain, loose jumper. Bandages were wrapped around both her wrists and ankles. This wasn't Hyrumn. "It's Amonae."

So since I introduced the third main character I thought that I'd draw her. The picture's up above

I pronounce her name Uh-ma-nae if that helps

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