Chapter 11 Part II

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I Get a Fun Side Mission

POV: Henry

"Hyrumn?!" I jumped when I saw Hyrumn's reflection staring at me in the mirror. Her face was blank and I didn't see her anywhere. I went over and placed my hands on the glass. "What are you doing in there?" She just stared at me. I backed away. "You're not Hyrumn, are you?"

"No, I'm a reflection." It said. I glanced behind me to see there was nothing.

"But nobody's around except me." It's face stayed blank as it cocked it's head to the side.

"True, but that doesn't mean I can't exist. Reflections don't just leave once the reflector leaves. Just like shadows." It said. I wasn't going to dwell on that.

"Are you an Aspiration? Are you Truth."

"No. I'm one of his servants. I exist in this mirror realm as his provider."

"Provider?" I questioned.

"He can't be everyone's reflection at once." It said simply. Hyrumn's reflection sudden morphed into my own reflection. I stepped back.

"Woah." I said. It changed back. "So, uh, what exactly are you doing here? No offense but shouldn't you be helping Truth?"

"None taken." She folded her hands together in front of her. "But I came here on his order. I came to warn you."

"Warn me? Warn me of what?"

"Of the Aspiration you're with." It said. "Not that my master cares about mortal lives, but he does understand the certain power they hold against number Eight."

"I don't get it."

"If you made any deal with Aspiration Eight involving her other side, she would have to obey and it would not go down well. It is best if you leave now." Other side?

"I can't leave. I have to stay with her until she finishes this job."

"I understand." It began to fade into the mirror. "I hope all goes well."

"Hey wait!" I called out to it, running back to the glass. "What do you mean by other side?" It appeared back into view.

"The sealed side of Eight, of course. The side that's locked away with a permanent seal." Permanent seal... Did it mean the tattoo? I knew it looked weird.

"The strange design on her back?" I asked. It nodded. "What's... what's it sealing?"

"Destruction, to be frank." It said. "I cannot tell you more."

"Can you show me then?" I asked. It looked at me quizzically. "If you can't tell me, can you show me who Hyrumn really is?" It pondered for a moment.

"I cannot show you either." I sighed, "But I know another Aspiration who can."

"Who?" I demanded.

"Aspiration #2089: Forgotten Memories. Just tell it her name and it will know what memory to take you."

"It's that simple?" I asked. It glanced behind itself, then back at me.

"I have to go, he's calling me. I hope all goes well." It started to fade.

"Wait-!" It was gone. "Thank you."

I stalked back to the door and leaned up against it. I would find a way to keep Hyrumn busy for a while and go to that Aspiration. Hopefully The Hound won't mind me asking for a favor. But it seemed very ominous that everyone was telling me I needed to leave Hyrumn's side. That she wasn't all that she seemed.

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