Chapter 12

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I Sneak into an Attic and Eat Marbles

Eleven. That's how many Aspirations we had left. We were back in the library like usual when Hyrumn had come up with a plan to save time. She proposed that instead of coming back here each time, we should just get all the locations down at once so all we have to do is travel through Time Stop. I thought it sounded like a great idea, but she wasn't done. She took the next two locations and ran off, telling me to stay here and get them all while she dealt with two more. She also said it might be awhile so I should get comfy.

It was just me and The Hound who was laying on the table next to the book. I was writing down the location when I had an idea. I glanced up at the dog.

"Hey, um..." I was unsure what to call her. She looked at me questioningly. "Do you think you could find an extra Aspiration for me?"

"Why?" She asked. Please just say yes.

"Just out of curiosity, I guess." She raised an eyebrow. "Please?" I added. She sighed.

"Which one is it?"

"It's Aspiration #2089: Forgotten Memories." The book started to flip pages. It then stopped and one line of code was highlighted. I picked up the pen, scribbled it on my hand quickly, and got up from my seat.

"Thanks!" I told her. She laid her head on her paws in response. "I need to use the, um, the bathroom. I'll be back."

I bolted from the library before she could say anything and made my way toward Time Stop. I had gotten used to the Seam by now and it was just a little awkward to run through. I prayed that I wouldn't run into Hyrumn in Time Stop and entered. It was also easier now to know where certain coded doors were. They were in an alphabetical and numerical order and pretty soon I found the one I was looking for.

When I reached it, I stood in front for a moment and took a deep breath before pushing it open and entering. When I stepped through I was blinded for a moment. When my vision returned I was faced with what looked like an old attic. It had a sort of orange hue to it and was extremely dusty. Cobwebs hung in every corner and it looked like nobody had been here in years. The place was packed with objects I had never seen before and the only light came from a large stain glass window at the end of the room. Nobody was in sight. But like I learned from the garden gnomes, anything could be the Aspiration.

"Hello?" I called out cautiously. I walked further in, the boards creaking below my feet. I didn't see anyone...

This place seemed like it would be creepy, but it just gave off more nostalgic vibes. It was more of a comforting feeling unlike all the other places Hyrumn and I went to.

I walked over to a crate that had a large glass bottle full of dried flower petals. Next to it was a container of dirt with wilted plants in it. I moved my attention over to the other side of the room where there was a ripped up canvas with paint on it. It rested against the wall. This place was weird.

I ventured over toward the stain glass window, entranced by the colors and design. Every step I took bent with the board and the sound of splintering wood rang though the tiny room. I was about to look outside when the sound of silk sliding caught my attention. I spun on my heels to see a white marble fountain right in the middle of the room. Around it was a silk fabric. When did that get there? And how could I have missed it?

"Are you..." I carefully approached the fountain. The base was large and full of colorful marbles. Through the middle was a stem that balanced a small, empty plate on top. "...the Aspiration?"

No answer. I looked back at the marbles. The colors were so pretty. They reminded me of whenever I slid down the trunk of the tree. In fact, they seemed to be calling my name. Little whispers expelled from them, but I couldn't really make out what they were saying. I was tempted to touch one, but I knew touching things was a bad idea. Especially here.

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