Chapter 22

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I Talk to my Own Reflection Again
Above is just a quick sketch of a psychopath :)
Slight TW

POV: Henry

I stood by the broken master mirror, shaking in terror before Hyrumn walked in. I was so glad to see her that I almost cried, but so was Amonae.

She rushed at her and jumped into an embrace. She wrapped her arms and legs around her. I thought from the glare she gave that Hyrumn was going to kill her, but it didn't seem like it as she hugged back.

"Hyrumn!!!" Amonae yelled. "It's been so long!" She let go and Hyrumn gave her a firm push. It didn't knock her to the ground nor did it seem like Hyrumn wanted to hurt her. They seemed more like two siblings.

"What were you thinking?" She demanded. Amonae couldn't wipe the smile off her face. "You took the one thing that was off limits."

"Oh, he's fine, see?" She pointed over at me. "I was baby sitting him. You left him alone in your closet."

"For a reason."

"He's completely unharmed, thanks to you and whatever deal you made with him." She pointed out. Hyrumn walked over to me, putting her hands on my shoulders. Amonae followed curiously behind.

"You ok?" She asked. I nodded.

"And I'm fine too, see?" Amonae pointed to the cards floating over her shoulders. "I'm protected by Reverse." Hyrumn frowned.

"How'd you get those?" She asked.

"Doesn't matter, but what does matter is now we're together again and we can have fun!" She walked over to Hyrumn and put her put her hand on her shoulder. "It can be like old times."

She shook her hand off.

"Everyone's looking for you Amonae, they want you dead."

"Well, they can't touch me now." She giggled.

"They want to put us both back in the Seed. They want you back in chains except forever this time. You won't be with me, they want to banish you. You'll be in shackles forever." Amonae stepped back, rubbing her wrists where the bandages were as if shackles where there.


"It's best if you just return back to the seal." Hyrumn said. Amonae shook her head.

"No... No I'm not going back. I'm free forever and you can be too. We can cause chaos in the Seam again and show mortal worlds what destruction really is." Her eyes began to glow brightly with excitement. "We can flip kingdoms upside-down and flood entire worlds with fire." I watched as lowered her dagger. I glanced at Hyrumn who seemed to be watching just as intently. "Come on, Hyrumn, don't let them take me away. Think of all the fun we can have!"

She seemed to contemplate this. Was she really considering Amonae's offer? Didn't she ruin her life?

"Hyrumn," I pulled her attention to me. "Don't listen to her, she's psychotic. She killed one of the eleven already and locked Reverse in the mirror realm."

Hyrumn eyed Amonae who only smiled. "You killed one of the eleven?" She asked.

"No, I just made Two go to sleep for a little while. I'm sure all the pieces of her body will find their way back together eventually."

"What the hell were you thinking?! And you locked Reverse in the mirror realm?"

"Relax, I had to or else he'd come after us for the awful deal I gave him." Hyrumn's eyes went dark.

"Amonae, I'm giving you your only options here so you better choose: get back in the seal right now before the eleven find you, or go back in shackles for eternity."

AspirationsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon