Chapter 10

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We Need Family Therapy

POV: Aspiration #8: Double-Deal (Hyrumn)

I was totally screwed over. I knew once I brought Henry down here it was a mistake but do I care? No! I do what I feel like because I can. I was lonely and wanted someone, anyone, to keep my company but nobody does. They think I'm too untrustworthy and that I will somehow fall back into my old ways. If I could, I would scream my thoughts at ten of them who stood before me, scolding. But I couldn't. Even with my mouth I knew when to keep it shut. And just now whenever Eleven stood up and told my human to leave, I knew things were going to go down no matter what. I tried to reassure Henry that everything was fine because I didn't want him to worry his tiny little mind, but I can't keep this up forever.

I knew I'd crack with him around me eventually and I almost did with that last Aspiration. Maybe I underestimated Print, but hey, what's the harm with a little fun? Messing around makes things less boring and I love that. But...

This was the consequence.

Eleven towered over me and even if most Aspirations didn't scare me in the least, Eleven did. He was in charge and nobody could change his mind about it. Nobody dared to. And as soon as Henry left the room, they all gathered around me like they always did when I was in trouble. This wasn't anything new, just not something I was too excited about.

I tried to smile at Eleven, but the look he gave made me unsettled.

"If we're going to have a chat shouldn't we get comfortable on those lovely couches? I've been on my feet all day." I said, not letting one ounce of my fear show.

"I'm sure you have been extremely busy, Eight, but we can all talk standing just fine." He said, his glare burning right through me. Ok, fine then. I shifted on my feet, crossing my arms waiting for him to say more. "I'll get to the human later, but about your job first."

"Yeah, about that." I looked away. None of them took their eyes off of me and it made me frustrated. "I started it today."

"How many are left?" He demanded. I paused for a moment knowing no matter what I said I was doomed.

"Like, well, let's just say I can count on both hands and still not have the number I have left." His eyes went dark. That's not a good sign.

"You were supposed to get them all done today. There is a deadline, Eight." He spoke through gritted teeth and I tightened my arms around my body for comfort.

"I know, I know. But I get distracted easily, you know, and look I've got a human on my hands." He took a step closer to me and my heart dropped. His shadow cast over me and I held the urge to take a step back. No fear. No fear.

"So you're saying this human is keeping you from your job?" As badly as I wanted to play scapegoat with Henry, I couldn't. I made a deal that I'd protect him and saying he was is basically a death waiting to happen.

"No, no that's all me! He just wanted to make a deal and I can't refuse that."

"Yes, you can." He spat.

"Maybe I didn't want to." I spat back. The room went silent and I knew I said the wrong thing, but I didn't care. I stared him down in those empty sockets at he stepped closer. The tension was so strong that I could feel it squeezing me.

"You'll get them all done tomorrow, no matter what. I don't care what it takes." He didn't back off, but some light returned to his eyes which left me confused. Confused and very, very uncertain. What was he playing at? "But for now, you need to tell me why your power is low."

I stared at him in shock. Why would he want to know that? Does he think that I was just going around today handing out deals? I'm not his daughter, I don't have to tell him any of this.

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