Chapter 5

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I Go to a Library and Meet a Dog

Hyrumn and I set off on our hunt, the only problem was that I had no idea where this Aspiration was, and neither did she.

"If you don't know where Inconvenience is, then how do we find them?" I asked.

"That's a great question." She said as she led me by my hand through the Seam. It was still so weird and I still couldn't help feeling nauseous. She said I would get used to it though. "But I have a short cut that I like to use because I really hate doing this job. We just have to find her."

"Her?" I asked. So this short cut was alive? She glanced back at me.

"She's probably the only Aspiration who can tolerate me." She said. "And who won't get me in trouble if she sees you so it's a good deal!"

"Yeah, I trust you to know all about those." She giggled and sped up which didn't help my case of can't-see-right. But it wasn't too long before we stopped in front of a massive amber door that seemed to stretch forever. I tried to look all the way to the top but I couldn't make it out. She stopped in front and I just now realized that it had no doorknob; there was no way to open it.

"This is the Seam's library!" She said proudly. "It's too big for you to go wandering so stay close to me. And by the way, don't touch any books. Some of them are a little feisty." I only stared at her, wondering what she meant by that. I then glanced back at the door with no entrance.

"So, uh, how do we get in?" I asked. Her gaze turned to the door.

"Hmm. Well I usually just go on through but," She reached through the tall doors like nothing was there. I tried to mimic her but my hand wouldn't go through. "I don't think you can do that. Ugh, this makes things so much more complicated. It's ok though, hold on." She flashed me a toothy grin and let go of my hand. I suddenly felt very vulnerable as she passed through and I was left standing there out in the open. I glanced behind me at the Seam mess and shivered.

Get used to it? Yeah, not gonna happen.

I thought about trying to push the doors open whenever an arm popped up through the door, making me lose my balance and fall back. I almost fell off the library steps in shock, but luckily I didn't. I looked up at the arm which made a waving motion for me to grab hold. I reluctantly reached up and took what I assumed to be Hryumn's hand. As soon as our hands touched she gripped mine with strength that shouldn't be possible and I was yanked forward. I braced myself to smack hard into the doors, but that didn't happen. Instead I tumbled through with a yelp and hit the ground. I glanced up to see her standing right in front of me, dusting her hands off.

"That wasn't too hard, but I'm sure finding my friend will be. Come on, we've got no time to waste!" I got to my feet and stood in awe. If the library of the Seam had a door that huge, this place was even bigger. And I would've stood and marveled at it, but Hyrumn grabbed my hand and pulled me. "Now she's usually in her normal spot but sometimes she moves and it's like a little game of hide-and-seek to find her. Sounds fun, right?"

I nodded, trying to soak in everything around me. There was so much. This place was huge. And we did a lot of walking in a lot of weird places, searching for this Aspiration that could supposedly find Inconvenience. I was about to ask her if she was even here when Hyrumn gasped.

"There she is!" She let me go and floated off. I had to run to catch up with her. But when I found her I was confused to see her petting a dog.

"Henry, this is my friend Aspiration #1345: The Hound. She can find any Aspiration you want if you ask nicely." I glanced at the dog who looked old and dying, then at Hyrumn who looked a little crazy. I started to wonder if I was crazy and imagining things. "Go on, you can pet her." She got on her feet and walked over to me and whispered with a vicious look in her eyes, "She doesn't bite."

AspirationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora