Chapter 24

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We Make a Plan to Cage the Psycho Baby

POV: Henry

"So, here's the just of it:" Hyrumn said as she dropped another fry into her mouth. For the past half hour Hyrumn and I have been discussing a way trap Amonae without really trapping her. There's no possible way for her to go to the Seed, and trapping in any way that involves chains is a horrible idea according to Hyrumn. She suggested that we try again to get Amonae back in her, but that didn't go over too well last time. So we sat there silently gorging ourselves in fries, contemplating what we were going to do when I suddenly remember how Amonae tricked Reverse into being trapped in the mirror realm. "We find Amonae, just us, and somehow convince her to go somewhere she will be trapped but happy?"

"That's the best plan I can think of right now." I said with a nod. Hyrumn ate another fry.

"Well I can't think of another one so it looks like we're going with it." She said. I raised an eyebrow in doubt but she dismissed it with a wave. "As long as she's free to do whatever she wants to do but leave, she'll most likely go on her own."

"Oh, that's good." I went to reach for a fry but she smacked my hand away.

"You ate all your fries already, these are mine." I rolled my eyes knowing if I tried to argue with her I'd lose. So instead I sat back in my chair.

"Do you think she's going to listen to you, though? I mean you guys literally just got in a fight."

"Yeah, well, she's just like me." She said with a shrug. "One second she's all happy the next she's murderous with rage. It just depends."

"That's not much better." Hyrumn laughed.

"Look, Henry, I've known Amonae for an extremely long time. We used to share a body, we could read each others thoughts and even if now I can only sense what she's feeling, I still know her better than anyone. I can deal with her, trust me."

"I thought you were scared of her." I pointed out cautiously. "I mean, you did die because you were afraid of her."

"Not of her." Hyrumn corrected. "And it's a touchy subject that you didn't have any business in."

"Right, sorry." I said. "Back to our task though."

"Oh yeah." Hyrumn emptied the box of fries into her mouth, shaking out ever last bit until it was empty. "I think I might have an idea."

"Spill the tea, sis." I said. (he doesn't actually say that but it's the same effect)

Hyrumn began to explain her plan. She told me how there were many worlds, like Amonae said, that could be used but aren't. There were many worlds out there, yes, but there were also thousands that weren't. I was confused by this until she mentioned pocket worlds. Pocket worlds were basically unfinished works of worlds that were stored in the pocket of the Seam. There were thousands of unfinished ones and we could just go shopping there. Any world that seemed good enough could be perfected because it wasn't finished.

She said all we had to do was find a pocket world that suited all the basic needs and looked nice enough, then we could shove Amonae in there, then bam! All done. Amonae could do whatever in her new world that she controlled and no harm would be done.

"Is it really that simple?" I asked doubtful. Hyrumn gave me a nod.

"Yep! Now, since we've got a lot of shopping and talking to do ahead of us, I'm going to go get us some-what do you guys call it?- chocolate shakes. Then we can go!" She got off the table and glanced at the dog. "Make sure he doesn't run off like last time, Houndy. Thanks!"

She sped off, leaving me alone once again. I glanced at the dog for a brief second and gave her that guess-I'm-back-to-this-again smile. She laid it's head back down and I sighed. This was going to be something.

Whatever happened next though, I just hoped Hyrumn would return back safely and we could finish that list so I could go back home. It was sort of odd. I missed my parents so much, but I also sort of missed working with Hyrumn. Even if I didn't really help much, I just liked the adventure and being around her. And maybe it's a bad thing to say, to even think, but I might actually care about her. I care about this Aspiration enough that I'm worried. She sort of became an unintentional friend of mine that I sort of enjoyed spending time with.

I just hoped after this was all over and I was back on my world, I would be able to see her again. I made a silent promise to myself to visit her tree as often as I could and I would bring cinnamon candles and fries and we could just talk for hours. That would be nice.

But first, we have to go fix this whole mess. I rested my head on my arms. This was going to be a nightmare.

So this was a shorter chapter but the next one's a bit longer

Btw, Hyrumn and Amonae aren't twins or siblings of any kind. Amonae was a kind of monster planted in Hyrumn's head when she was born and they used to switch over who had control of her human body.

Kinda confusing but just pretend it makes sense

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