Chapter 25

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We Have a Nice Chat About Killing our Family and Overthrowing the Gods

POV: Aspiration #8: Double-Deal (Hyrumn)

Not to go behind Henry's back or anything, but I lied about getting shakes.


Instead I was going to find Amonae. I knew exactly where she was going to be, I didn't even have to think about it. And I knew that lying to Henry about this, leaving him in the library again, wasn't great of me, but he also ran off... twice. He disobeyed my orders I gave him to follow and I let him go which is extremely unlike me but I figured he's not a horrible human and doesn't deserve a lecture.

So now it was my turn to run off. And I had plans of my own that I was going to do. I didn't need the eleven for this, nor did I need him. I just needed it to be us. And the location Amonae was at was perfect.

I walked through the vegetation, pushing leaves away from my face, until I made it to a clearing. In the clearing a small waterfall trickled down through rocks and pooled in a small pond. The sound of the water rushing and birds chirping and leaves swaying brought back pleasant memories.

And there she was. She sat on top by the water fall and looked down at me. Her face lit up. I knew she'd be here at our thinking spot.

"Hyrumn!" She gave me a huge wave and leaped down. I smiled back.

"Amonae, glad to see you're not still salty over what happened earlier."

"Oh, I am." She said as she waded though the water. "I'm just mad that you stole my dagger."

"Our dagger." I corrected. "And since we're two, I decided I call dibs first."

That's not fair! You left me with this." She pulled out a small pocket knife. "You know, it's really hard to skin someone with a pocket knife. It's so small."

"Is that Henry's?"

"Was." She said with a grin. I reached for it.

"Give it here. That's my human's property."

"I wanna trade." She held out her other hand for the dagger, but instead I just snatched the pocket knife before she could pull away. "Hey!"

"It's only been two hours and you're already causing trouble." I said, putting it away. She giggled and hopped onto a flat rock. "How many people have you killed already?"

She held her finger up to her lips, her pointed teeth shining with a crooked grin. "That's a secret."

We locked eyes for a moment. She was an exact mirror image of me, except the whites of her eyes were pure black and her teeth were slightly sharp. She also had a more child-like look to her. I sighed, remembering the times we had here.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

"It has." She responded. I walked over and sat down on the rock next to her.

"I needed to talk to you alone." I said. She rested her head on my shoulder. "Everything wants you gone, some even want me gone too."

"Does it look like I care though?" She said. "I found ways to protect myself."

"I know you have, Amonae, but I'm here to offer you a deal. Not a hand shaking deal, a pinky swearing deal." She hugged her knees to her chest.

"Ok, what is it?" I took a deep breath.

"Henry and I- that's my human- have come up with a plan that I think you'll like." I explained to her the whole plan and she listened through it all. When I finished, she sat across from me, crossed her legs, and spoke.

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