Chapter 21

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Nothing Better Than Damning Someone for Eternity, am I Right?
Please excuse the poorly drawn Amonae
POV: Aspiration #8: Double-Deal (Hyrumn)

Unfortunately since Amonae wasn't full Aspiration, only part of me, The Hound wouldn't be able to find her. There were probably some other Aspirations that could find her, but that wasn't necessary. Since I returned Henry his watch he should still have it on, therefore allowing me to track him. My main priority right now was to get Henry back, then I could deal with Amonae all I wanted to.

I when I first saw where Henry was I noticed he was below Mischief's room. Oh, so that's what she was doing. She was trying to find Reverse. I couldn't blame her though, I'm at fault too for running straight to people who want to make deals, no matter who they are. But when I reached for the door I noticed he was gone. I tapped the watch to make sure it was working right and when I saw where he was I rolled my head back, my neck popping.

What the hell was Amonae doing in Truth's room? She has to know he's gone so what does she want? Unless...

Unless that's part of whatever deal Reverse wants to make.

I turned around and headed straight to Truth's. Whatever deal she's making without me is never a good one. Even if there was a deal protecting Henry, that wasn't the part I was worried about. Amonae doesn't know the words stop or no. She doesn't care what limits are and thinks it's fun to test things that should never be tested. If I didn't find her soon and she started to make all sorts of deals with bad people there would be trouble.

Enough trouble to get us both thrown in the Seed again. I pursed my lips as I floated faster. I promised myself that I would never go back there again, ever.

And I'm not the type to break promises.

POV: Aspiration #8: Double-Deal (Amonae)

I stood before the huge mirror, dagger in hand. It had been so, so long since I've held my weapon and it felt at home. I loved this body I had all to myself. And even if I loved to split body's with Hyrumn, it got tiring. Her constant whining about how she's scared or doesn't want to kill them or she doesn't like this and that; it got annoying. Now, I could just have all the fun I wanted whenever I wanted. Just like now.

Reverse, that four-armed desperate Aspiration and the pitiful human stood behind me. I flashed them a smile before I decided to get to work.

I raised my dagger to the very top corner of the mirror as high as I could reach and began to outline it. As I dragged it across it made a scraping noise that I knew the human didn't appreciate. I dragged it all the way around and back to the start slowly, just to make the noise and drama last. Once I connected it, I knew it was done.

"Ta-da!" I put my dagger away and turned back to them. "Done!"

Reverse looked at me strangely, or as strange as you can when you wear a mask. Gods he was boring. No sound, no color, not even any emotion but anger. I'm glad to finally get rid of him.

"I-It looks the same." The human observed. I grinned and snatched his arm, bringing him close to the mirror. He looked at it with wide eyes, then at me.

"Oh, but it's not." I said. "Didn't Hyrumn tell you our dagger was enchanted?" He gave a slight nod. "Then you can be the first to try it!"

"Wait-!" He objected as I shoved him through. He passed through the glass as if it were a liquid. His reflection disappeared and the mirror went still. I gestured for Reverse next.

"Next!" He pushed passed me and stepped through, I followed.

The mirror realm was really something. The lighting always seemed off and everything had a kind of still to it, but other than that it was interesting. It was basically a reflection of every world. We stood in the room we were just in, but backwards.

"Here we are!" I exclaimed. I watched as Reverse inspected the room. I noticed some of Truth's servants jump into other mirrors, running away. "The mirror realm!" He looked at me and then at the servants. Three question marks appeared above his head on this cards. "Those are Truth's servants."

"I thought was vacant." I gave him a grin and pulled out my dagger.

"I can make it vacant if you want." The human began to object but Reverse waved a hand.

"No. I can... make use of them."

"Alright then." I said, though I didn't put it away. I began to spin it in my hand. "So, we're done here, right?" He looked around some more, pressing his hands through a mirror then taking them back.

"This is all mine?" I nodded excitedly. "Good. I suppose so."

"Now remember." I said. I made my way to the mirror and the human followed me. I made him jump through before I did. "In return I get your undying protection, no matter what."

"Right. Right." Two of his cards came toward me and floated just above my shoulders. I glanced at them and grinned. "These will...protect you."


He waved me off like I was a nuisance and I returned a sly grin. I jumped back through the mirror, leaving him in his now world. But as soon as I was back in Truth's room and I knew the human was by my side and watching, I smashed the mirror with my dagger. It cracked, spreading throughout like dye in water before shattering before my feet. His jaw dropped.

"Why'd you...why did you do that?!" He asked in shock. I giggled and twirled my weapon.

"Because I think it's funny to lock him in there."

"What?" This kid needed to be educated. Luckily he was with me though so no other Aspirations could take advantage of him.

"You know, lock him in there. I destroyed the master mirror, the only way he could get out. Now since I broke it all other mirrors won't work and he's stuck."

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because it'll be funny when he realizes how awful of a world he's going to rule." I giggled. "It's the mirror realm, everything is backwards."

"I'm still not following." He said. I rolled my eyes playfully and went closer to him. My new protecting cards following. Both cards had his symbol on them, though one was black and the other was white.

"Nothing can grow. Nothing can flourish. That means the only things he can rule over are Truth's servants. And Truth's not going to be too happy once he gets back."

He shook his head. "You're a psychopath." He uttered. I grinned.

"I've heard that before. But it's more about the blame on him. People just need to be less careless when they make deals." I kicked some glass out of the way. "I gave him a horrible deal and now I've got his protection." I poked one of the cards. The human shook his head.

"Are we done now?" I laughed, pulling him close. His body tensed up as I drew my dagger toward his neck. I knew with his bond with Hyrumn I couldn't make a scratch, but it was still fun to soak up the fear in his eyes.

"Already?" I cooed. "But we just started our fun." He tried to squirm out of my grip but I only held tighter. And I would've had a bit more fun if not for the one person I wanted to see so badly showed just then.

She walked through the door, dead calm with a glow to her eyes that I missed so badly. I loosened my grip on the human and lowered my dagger.

I took off sprinting full speed at her, leaving the human in the dust. She was just the person I was going to look for. Oh, how I missed her so badly!

"Amonae." Hyrumn growled.

Here are some songs that I like and think fit this story well:

The Mind Electric - By Miracle Musical

Dizzy - By MISSIO

Madness - By Ruelle

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