Chapter 30

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I Get the Rare Opportunity to Meet Demons from Hell Who Want to Eat my Soul

POV: Henry

When we found Amonae I thought it might've been too late.

After we managed to escape from the Seed, thanks to Hyrumn, we sped all the way here back here where Hyrumn sensed she was. Turns out she was right. Amonae was back at the house, or at least where the house used to be.

I stood in shock at the scene. Where the house once stood was a pile of ash and in front Amonae battled with three others. One of them, a gigantic snake looking aspiration, lay unmoving far away from the others while they fought. Nobody from the Seam was near, only the seven of us. Hyrumn gritted her teeth.

"What do we do?" I asked her frantically. We had a plan but I didn't think four of the eleven would be here.

"Get Three and drag her away from the fight. No matter what happens, don't come near." She rushed off into the fight, dagger in hand and I rushed over to the snake that I assumed to be Three. When I reached her I nearly gagged.

Her silver body that had beautiful, colorful symbols and designs all over it was crumbling away like dust. Her breath was shallow but she still managed to raise her head to me. She had three eyes, one being in the center of her forehead.

"I-I'm gonna help you." I said to her.

"It's no use, human." She said in a surprisingly normal voice. She shook her head. "Might as well run while you can."

"You're coming with me then." I wrapped my arms around her body but she hissed in pain as she started to disintegrate faster. Her dust covered my hands.

"There's no point in risking your life to save me." She glanced over at the others and I followed her gaze. They were all fighting now, Hyrumn pushing the eleven back while she also went head on with Amonae. Amonae was covered in blood but I didn't question who's. "I won't die but you, you are the mortal."

"I was told to get you away from the danger and I'm not going to let Hryumn down."

"So you're under the orders of Eight?" More dust fell as she looked back at me. "She's a curious Aspiration, isn't she?" All three of her eyes locked onto mine. Each one of them looked sort of like an illusion, I couldn't quite make out what they looked like and they seemed to move. Everything seemed so weird here. "So sorry you had to get mixed into all of this."

"I-It's ok, really." I tried to ease her. "We've got a plan to fix this so it'll all be over soon." She chuckled but the coiled in pain.

"You mortals are so innocent." She shook her head with a smile. "You're always talking about time and your plans ahead and this and that. You really don't see the big picture that nothing you do matters. Nothing you do ever matters." There was a bright flashing light then a bang. "What makes you think that you can stop her?"

"Well," I thought for a moment. "For one I've got Hyrumn. And I may not know her very well but she's my friend and I believe in her. And..." I smiled slightly to myself, remembering when I first met her and almost had a heart attack. "You're right, nothing I do will ever matter because I'm a human. But that doesn't mean I should just give up and mope for the rest of my life. If I've only got so much time to be here, then I want to make the most of it. I want to make people happy and die knowing that I would want to live it all again."

I looked at her. "I guess I'm just saying that no matter what comes of this, even if I die, I'll know I died trying and I didn't regret a second of it. Not many people can say that." For a moment the world was still and Three looked at me with a longing look. Like she was remembering something she deeply missed.

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