Chapter 9

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Nothing Like a Family Reunion Where All Your Relatives are Monsters

Hyrumn was right; all eleven were there and none of them looked happy. As soon as we walked though the door and were making our way to her room, we passed what I assumed to be the living room where they all were sitting patiently. They reminded me of my parents whenever I would come home three minutes past curfew. And to be honest, even if each one scared me to death and froze my heart, it was funny how Hyrumn was the only human-looking one. She literally looked like a child, and acted like one too. All the other ten were like her parents, and she was about to get a beating.

To my surprise though, she held it together. Way better than I would've. She faced them as they all stared at her. She stepped in front of me, and I was more than glad to shrink away. She gave her best smile and greeted them.


"Don't hello us, Eight. You've got explaining to do before we throw you in the Seed again." One of the Aspirations I didn't know said. She giggled.

"Harsh." She said. "But what exactly do I need to explain? I'm obviously a saint." One of them who looked just like a white slime blob with various... items floating around in them slithered over to her. She didn't move a muscle as it came closer. I wanted to run so badly, but I stayed put.

"Many things." The blob said. It slowly creeped over to me and I held my breath. "Starting with this. Why do you have a human?"

"First off, it's a stupid rule that we can't have at least one. And second I made a deal with him so I can have him."

"But why?" It almost snarled. I stepped closer to Hyrumn and grabbed onto the loose shreds of her jumpsuit as the white blob got near.

"Cause I wanted someone to keep my company while I did my chores." She pouted. "Nobody wants to help me. I get lonely."

"You are very well aware that your jobs could kill him, correct?" Somebody from the living room said.

"I am." She grinned. "So back off." The white blob looked bored and returned back to everyone. They all stared at us and I couldn't keep my hands from shaking. "Well, if that's it then we'll just get going-"

"No, you will not." The voice shook the ground and rattled my bones. It came from the Aspiration who was built of stone and embedded with jewels. Though it's eyes just as red as hers. Hyrumn visibly cringed at the voice. I watched in horror as he stood up and towered over them all. Even the body parts Aspiration couldn't reach his height. He glanced at me, then at her. "We're not done here just yet, but I don't want your dirty human in our conversation. Get it out of here or I will."

Hyrumn, who I've never seen take orders so fast, turned to me and said, "You remember where my room is, right?" I forced myself to nod. "Go wait there, I'll be there soon, don't worry." She gave me a small smile that I knew was forced and I ran off to her room.

Whatever was going to happen, I didn't want to be part of. Obviously this "family" has issues that needed to be sorted out and I didn't want to be in the middle. Hyrumn will be ok. At least, I hope. But, the huge rock monster didn't seem pleased at all. And the way all life was sucked out of her eyes once he spoke made me think otherwise.

I just prayed to whatever god that would answer that she would be ok and I would make it out of here in one piece.

But gods don't answer to their mistakes. I think that's why Hyrumn makes deals with the devil.

Wow this was a short chapter

The next one will be in Hyrumn's perspective!!

Comments are always welcome

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