Chapter 19

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Let's Play a Game of Who Can Find Henry Before He is Killed!

POV: Aspiration #8: Double-Deal (Hyrumn)

There weren't any words strong enough to express my desire to gut Eleven and the rest of them when they told me I wasn't allowed to go hunt her down with them. Even if I would be the best help and probably the only one that could control her, they didn't want to "risk" anything. So when they locked me inside my own room with a shield that even I couldn't break, it was their polite way of telling me screw off. Like I was the one who let this happen and I wasn't careful and now they were the victims. I was the bad guy. Right. Because apparently I wasn't attacked by surprise while minding my own business. Because I wasn't trying at all to fix this situation and was just whining about it.

When they locked me in my room, I pounded on the door, demanding to be let out. Not surprisingly they didn't do anything. I cursed them all until I was sure they were gone and sunk down on the floor. I rested my head on my knees. This was great. I should probably tell Henry and explain everything to him. It's probably best that he knows why he'll be staying longer than he should and it's my fault.

I walked over to my closet where he normally was. It was cracked open a bit and I slid it over to the side. But he wasn't in there. I creased my eyebrows and pulled the blanket from the corner. Nothing. Henry wasn't in there. But they told me-

I noticed letters carved into the wall of my closet.

"Thanks for the free human! :)"

I dropped the blanket. I traced my fingers over the rough letters. It took every bit of me to not completely lose it and go berserk right now. I stepped out of the closet as a calm settled me but I could feel my eyes almost pouring red smoke. Luckily for me I was an Aspiration full of tricks and there were other ways than my door to escape that the other weren't aware of.

I didn't know exactly where she was, but wherever I told the others was wrong. I didn't want them to find her first, I needed to. I had a plan.

But my plans suddenly changed once I saw that she took Henry. She took the one thing that was off limits. Even if he and I had a bond where she couldn't hurt him, that didn't mean she hadn't found other ways to torment him. Instead, now I was going to hunt her down my self, take back Henry, and have a friendly little conversation with my other side about manners.

A friendly conversation that involved spilling blood.

"Amonae." I whispered aloud, hoping she could hear. I stepped into one of my secret exits and vanished. "You just wrote yourself a death wish."

This was a really short chapter but things are about to get interesting now

I wonder what Reverse wanted with Amonae...

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