Chapter 1

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🎶Wake up, Bangkok! (jingle)

"Good morning Sunshines! Thank you for joining us on this lovely beautiful day. If you haven't left the house yet, then make sure to put on some sunscreen. I always carry extra with me just in case I forget sometimes. So, how are you feeling today, Singto?" Pat looks to her co-host.

"I'm feeling great. I took the advice of yesterday's caller, and I slept like a baby. I feel like a new man." Singto smiled into the microphone.

"What was the advice? Since it worked so well for you, care to share it with our listeners today?" Pat wiggled her eyebrows at Singto.

"Sure, Pat. Yesterday's caller suggested sleeping with a rain soundtrack playing. I had found one I liked on Spotify, and I set it to play for sixty minutes. I think I was out like a light within maybe ten. I really want to thank yesterday's caller for the suggestion."

"Oh, that suggestion. Well, I want to give it a try too. God knows I'm tired with this nine months belly. But what if I fall into a deep sleep, and I can't get up in time to go to the bathroom? That would be an absolute nightmare." Pat can totally see herself peeing in bed. She has been waking up every three hours to use the bathroom now that her baby sits right on top of her bladder. Can you imagine changing the bedsheets at four in the morning while you're sleepy and feel like a whale? Yeah, it sucks.

"Hahaha...well, that's why Mother's Day is so much bigger than Father's Day. It's to compensate for mother's lost sleep." Singto jokes. He has been listening to Pat's complaints for all nine months now. In matter of fact, he had to listen to her complain even before she got pregnant. Being her 'gay best friend' came with all these duties. Although he isn't gay at the moment according to Pat. He did have a girlfriend up till just two weeks ago.

"I better be well compensated. I can't wait to dye my hair, paint my nails, and wear my regular clothes. Anyway, what's the topic of the day?"

"Let me see. Things Your Co-worker Does That Annoys You. So Pat, what are some things that your co-worker does that annoys or irritates you?" Singto directs the question with a cocked eyebrow.

"Does it have to be you? Or any co-worker?"

"It could be any co-worker."

"Well, I would like to say it's one of our late night DJs here, but I don't know exactly which one. This person always leaves a lot of crumbs on my side of this table. Sometimes it's sticky too. What about you?"

"Hmm, there are little things many different people do here at the station that sometimes irk me. I'm sure I annoy a lot of people too. But there's one thing that always annoys me. It's when someone replies to all in an email when their response is only meant for the sender or a few people only. Or when people 'cc' me on emails that have absolutely nothing to do with me. Like, come on."

"You're good. Those are very annoying. So, whoever is doing that, you should know Singto doesn't like that. let's take it to the callers. So, what are some things your co-worker does that annoys you? Dial in now. Our number is 02-036-3333."

"Let's play a song in the meantime. Here's the latest single, "Forgot to Forget" by Getsunova."

(Song at top.)

"And we're back. Hello Amy. You are our first caller of the day. So, tell us what is something your co-worker does that annoys you?"

Caller 1: Oh my God. I can't believe I got through. I love this show. I listen to you guys every morning. Singto, I love your voice so much. It's so soothing. It just sets my day right." The caller squeals.

Pat rolls her eyes. She has heard this exact same comment at least a million times if not more. Why don't men call in, and tell her she has an angelic voice or something like that? It's so unfair. Come on guys. Ladies need love too.

"Thank you, Amy. Thanks for being our listener. It means a lot to us. Now, tell us something your co-worker does that annoys you."

Caller 1: Oh yeah. Well, I have this co-worker that picks his nose all day long in his cubicle. He is so gross that I avoid walking within two meters of him and his cubicle.

"All day long? So, he just openly shoves his finger up in his nose?" Pat makes a grossed out face in front of her mic.

Caller 1: Yes, Pat! He literally doesn't even bat an eye, and I have never seen him with a tissue. So he is flicking boogers all over the place. It's totally gross.

"Well, that is very disturbing. Good luck avoiding him. Next caller." Pat tries to shake the image out of her mind.

"This caller wants to remain anonymous. Hello caller. Please go ahead." Singto says, leaning back in his chair, twirling a pen back and forth between his fingers.

Caller 2: Yeah, there's this woman in my office that secretly streams videos on her phone all the time at her desk. I've caught her a few times watching Sotus reruns and those fanmeets. She pretends to be working, but she's really not. I usually end up doing so much more work. We get paid the same!

"Oh. The caller hung up. Okay, he is very annoyed as everyone can see." Pat quipped.

"Well, can you blame him? That really isn't nice, but I love Sotus too." Singto sighed.

"Wow! And I thought I have some crazy relatives. Next caller please." Singto shakes his head.

Caller 12: Hi. I have a sixteen years old cousin who creates "GoFundMe" accounts to attend concerts. She is so shameless, and somehow people really give her money for it.

"Are the contributions mainly from family members?" Pat asked.

Caller 12: No! My aunt and uncle would be so embarrassed if they ever find out she does that. She posts racy pictures on those "GoFundMe" accounts too.

"Not that I condone this behavior, but it is a pretty ingenious idea." Singto nods.

"What? "GoFundMe" is meant for meaningful fundraising. Not for nonessentials like concerts."

"That depends on who's concert if you ask me. And besides, it's not against any rules of "GoFundMe". You can fundraise for anything as long as it's not illegal."

"Watch, it's going to be your child that does that." Pat smirks at Singto.

"Hahaha... I wouldn't mind. But I'm not the one currently pregnant. So, let's worry about yourself first. Okay, that's all the time we have for today. Thanks for joining us."

"Yes. Thank you for listening to Wake Up, Bangkok! Same place, same time tomorrow. Here's another song for you. Goodbye." Pat makes an okay sign with her fingers to Fiat to take them off the air. Fiat signals back that it's a wrap for the day.

The next ten minutes will be a mix of commercials, weather, and traffic updates. This time allows the DJs to switch over.

AN: Hi Sweets, here's my first chapter. I hope you liked it. I plan to make this story short and fluffy. I'll introduce Sexy Krist soon.

Love you lots,
Lana ❤️

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