Chapter 8

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(Music video at top.)

"And we are back! I hope you enjoyed Yark Took Mong Duay Waew Tar Bap Nan by Aye Sarunchana (Who Are You Ost). Now, let's talk about the opposite. We've covered the sexiest thing you've done for a date before. What about the least sexy thing you've ever done, and why did you do it, or what happened? Let's start with Singto first." Krist wiggles a brow at Singto.

Singto chuckles a little and taps his chin with his pencil. It's a habit that Krist has noticed for the past four weeks. What usually comes after Singto does this gesture is usually either funny or highly embarrassing. Call him evil, but he wants to hear the latter. Despite their turbulent start, they've managed to not kill each other. And their ratings have actually gotten higher. They are complete opposites, but apparently, their listeners liked hearing them argue on the air.

"Hmm, there was once I showed up for a date completely drenched in sweat. I had two gigantic pit stains on my white shirt. It was quite embarrassing."

"Oii...what happened though? Why were you so sweaty?" Krist asks into the microphone with a big fat grin on his face.

Singto is well aware that Krist gets excited to hear all his mishaps. That devilish grin isn't exactly hiding from anyone.

"Well, my car ran over a pothole and one of the front tires blew out. I had to call a mechanic. I was already late, so I ran the rest of the way since there were no taxis due to rush hour. I figured being a little late is still better than standing my date up. I didn't want to disappoint my date. Luckily, my date was very understanding. I ended up showering at my date's house instead and we ended up staying in instead of going out."

Showering? His date had clothes that would fit him? Krist tries to think where Singto's date would get clothes from. Or did Singto prance around naked in someone else's house? He probably had on at least a towel, right? Krist conjures up a half-naked Singto in a towel in his mind. He turns to look at Singto, and he sees a half-naked Singto sitting there. What the heck? Krist shakes his head and blinks a couple of times for Singto to look fully dressed again. Whew! He's losing it.

Caller 15: Good morning Singto and Krist! I'm Alice, and I love you guys.

"Good morning Alice! Thanks for joining us. So tell us the least sexy thing you've ever done." Singto asks and waves his pencil at Krist to get his attention. Why is the guy spacing out? Did he go partying again last night? Did he come straight from a party? Singto looks at Krist's outfit. But then again, Krist always looks like he's ready for a party with his fashion style. He doesn't know why Krist bothers to buy shirts with buttons. It's not like he actually uses them. Maybe Krist can use some of those nipple covers.

Krist snaps out of it and looks away from Singto. "Yes, please share with us the sexiest thing...ugh no, I meant the least sexy thing you've ever done."

Caller 15: Hahaha...okay. I was on a dinner date, and we were sharing a dessert. I had something stuck between my teeth, and it was so annoying that I couldn't focus on anything else. I didn't have a toothpick or floss on me, so I used my fork. I tried to be subtle and discreet. My date had no clue what I was doing until I ended up popping my crown out. My crown flew out of my mouth and landed on top of our chocolate cake. I was mortified.

"Oh my. Hahahahaha...that is tragic. Sorry for laughing, but what happened next?" Krist loves funny stories.

Caller 15: I picked up my crown from the frosting, and our date concluded promptly. Hahaha... it's funny now, but it was so embarrassing at the moment.

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