Chapter 10

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"So, it's time for a Soulmate Update! Singto will share his weekly progress of his quest to find his soulmate. If you are interested, then please check out our website at" Krist announces gleefully into the microphone with a smile so big that you can count all his teeth.

Singto rolls his eyes and shakes his head. His temper has simmered down since his furious complaint yesterday in Tay's office ending with Fiat apologizing profusely and Krist promising to screen candidates more seriously. However, Singto doesn't believe Krist, not even one bit. He just needs to survive the rest of these dates without killing anyone or pulling his hair out. But don't worry. Payback is a bitch! Singto knows how to play games too.

"So Singto, how did your first date go? Care to share some highlights with our listeners? Was she pretty? Did she meet your standards?"

"Yes, she was very pretty. However, the date itself was interesting, to say the least. My date happens to be a psychic by profession. So needless to say she knew everything that was going to happen that night. It begs me to ask the question why did she bother to go on that date with me in the first place. It honestly ended quite poorly."

"So sorry to hear that. Tell us some of the things that made the date so bad." Krist will not let Singto get away so easily.

Singto grits his teeth and flares his nostrils seeing that smirk on Krist's face. Oh, how he wishes to slap that smirk off right now.

"An interesting thing was my food was served almost immediately upon my arrival at the restaurant. My date took the liberty to order for me without me ever seeing the menu. She said she knew that that was what I was going to order because she's a psychic. I can't help but imagine a future with her would mean I would no longer need to make any more of my own choices in life." Singto plays along and chuckles a bit. No matter how fucked up the date was, he didn't want to air it on the radio. He doesn't want his date to hear him say how creeped out he was by her.

"So your date was nice enough to order for you but you already equate that to no freedom of choice in the future. Aren't you being too presumptuous?"

If Singto's eyes can shoot bullets, then Krist would definitely be a dead man already. "Maybe. But I also want to live my life filled with surprises. I don't want to know who's going to die next or how they will die."

"What do you mean? Can you elaborate for us?" Krist presses on. He wants to see if Singto will tell the listeners that he had water thrown in his face.

"Let's just say my date predicted someone's imminent future in front of me. And I'm not comfortable with that knowledge."

"Do you mean death? Did your psychic date predict someone's death?"

"Yes. She did and it freaked me out."

"Then what happened? Did she tell the guy? Did you tell the guy?" Krist asks with great interest.

Singto glares at Krist. He never mentioned that it was a guy that was predicted to die. No, not even when he was raging in front of Tay and Fiat. It can only mean that Krist saw what happened. Ugh! He wants to strangle that pretty face and wipe that smugness off.

"No, she didn't. She said it's his fate but I couldn't sit there and do nothing about it, so I went to tell the guy. But the guy didn't believe me and got very upset. I mean, why would he believe a stranger saying such an outrageous thing? I probably wouldn't either. But I'm still glad I did it. At least I did what I felt was right and if by any chance it made a difference then it was worth it. I ended the date right after that. I wish candidate number one the best of luck finding the right one. Thank you for your time." Singto tries to remain calm while he's boiling inside.

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