Chapter 6

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Both men take off their headphones, and are ready to call it a day. Neither wants to make eye contact. They're relieved to have managed to survive the first day together. But they don't know how long before they will try to kill the other.

Singto grabs his belongings, and he is ready to leave. Today's show felt much longer than three hours. He is already worried about the mountains of emails he is going to get from today's show.

While Krist gets up slowly because he doesn't want to follow right behind Singto. His body is a bit sluggish anyway as it's still adjusting to the new schedule. Overall, he thinks the show went pretty well, and he is glad that Singto played along during his topics. And although Singto's topics weren't nearly as exciting as his topics were, they weren't too bad. Worst dates, biggest turn offs, and first kisses weren't bad at all. He had fun going down memory lane too. Considering how responsive the callers were, everyone seemed to enjoy Singto's topics too.

Singto swings open the door, and luckily he didn't take a step yet. Otherwise, his face would have slammed right into Tay's.

"Gentlemen, in my office, Now." Tay bellows.

Tay turns his heels for his office without saying another word. Singto tightens his grip around the strap of his bag, and reluctantly follows behind. Krist quickly stuffs all his things into his bag, and tries to follow behind Singto. He didn't want to be too far behind Singto now. Fiat shakes his head watching all three men march out of the studio.

"Shut the door!" Tay says, nearly shouting once Krist steps inside his office.

Singto has a hunch what this is all about, but he didn't think it's this bad. He sighs, and takes one of the two seats across from Tay's desk. He wishes he has a jacket or a blanket of some sort. He's either really cold or really scared at the moment with all his goosebumps showing. Or it could be both. He can't decide.

Krist takes the seat beside Singto. He hasn't had that many encounters with Tay since his hiring. And that's mostly due to his late night show's schedule. Most of their communication was through emails, and their last in person meeting was a few weeks ago about switching his schedule. Tay looked much more pleasant then than what he looks like at the moment. Because right now, smoke is coming out of his flared nostrils, or maybe it's just really cold in this office. He can definitely see some puffing going on.

"What the hell was that?" Tay pushes his opened jacket, and shouts with his hands on his hips.

Krist looks at Singto for some clues to what is going on here, but Singto didn't look his way. All Singto does is sit there with his legs crossed, looking bored.

"Do you two know the phones were ringing off the hook?" Tay asks with spit flying out of his mouth.

"That's a good thing, right?" Krist says softly. It's a good sign of listener's response when there's a lot of callers during his late night show. Sometimes, there's not enough to make time go by, and he ends up having to talk a lot more than he wants to. It can get a little boring.

"Ten years. In ten years of my time here, I've never received so many complaints in one morning. How can you guys start the fucking show with sex? We had parents, grandparents, and even teachers calling in to complain. We haven't even sorted through half of them." Tay.

"But we didn't start the show with sex. I only asked the caller what's the sexiest thing she has done for a date." Krist tries to clarify the misunderstanding.

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