Chapter 16

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Anna gets up and grabs her purse to leave. "Don't ever call me again."

"Don't worry. I wasn't planning to." Singto replies before bringing his glass of wine to his lips. He didn't bother to look her way as she stormed out of the restaurant.

Singto gets up once he sees Anna's reflection disappear through the door from his wine glass. He pulls out his wallet and tosses a few big bills that he knows for sure will be enough to cover the check. He didn't want to stay at the restaurant anymore. His mood and appetite have been completely ruined.

"Krist, what are you going to order? All the salads look heavy."

Krist's face is buried deep between the pages of the menu. He had heard the whole exchange between Singto and his date. It's unbelievable that Anna who seemed so sweet and perfect is such a homophobic bigot. Krist thinks Singto was way too much of a gentleman. If he was in Singto's shoes, he definitely would have used much more colorful language. Krist silently curses Anna with all that he can think of.

"KRIST!" Sofi calls out louder.

Krist peeks over his menu, "shhhhh...what?"

"I've been calling you for the past five minutes. What's wrong with you?"

"Shhhhhhh!" Krist didn't dare to turn around. He just wants Sofi to be quiet and not to draw Singto's attention.

"Krist? Is that you?" Singto asks after hearing the rather skimpily dressed woman call out Krist's name. All the patrons nearby are actually looking over to their table because she's so loud.

Shit! Krist hides further behind the menu hoping Singto would magically walk away.

Sofi looks nervously between Singto and Krist who's now clearly hiding. She's not sure what's going on but she's worried that there's going to be trouble.

Singto frowns and takes another step closer. That's definitely Krist. What's he doing here? On top of that, he's sitting at the next table. Is he also on a date? "Krist Perawat, I know it's you. I can see the rest of you, you know?"

Being caught red-handed, Krist smiles and slowly puts the menu down and turns toward Singto.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... I uh... I'm here for dinner of course. This is my favorite place." Krist replies nervously.

"You said it's your first time here," Sofi says with a confused look on her face.

"Shia!" Krist gives Sofi a murderous glare before he guiltily turns back to Singto.

"So you followed me on my date again?" Singto is beyond irritated. He can't believe Krist is spying on him again just to mock him about another failed soulmate attempt. Just when he thought he's starting to really like Krist as a person, as a colleague, as a friend, and as a... nevermind.

Singto really thought after all these months they've learned to respect each other enough and Krist wouldn't do such childish things to him again. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. Singto turns to leave. He's had enough for the day.

"Singto, it's not what you think," Krist quickly gets up and grabs Singto by the wrist.

Singto brushes Krist's hand away and heads for the door. It's drizzling again this evening but Singto doesn't care.

"Singto! Wait!" Krist chases behind Singto.

Singto turns around, "what do you want, Krist? You already saw what you wanted to see, another failed date. Now, go back to your own date." Singto turns to leave again.

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