Chapter 13

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(On air.)

"I think I might have to work out a little harder if I continue to see my date. But I'm not complaining." Singto smiles into the microphone even though the listeners can't see it.

Krist tries to control himself from rolling his eyes. Really? Is it really necessary? They've only had two dates, and the next one will be their third. But anything can happen from now to then. Why gush over it so soon? Talking on the phone every day doesn't count. So it's nothing serious.

What vexes him even more, is hearing the whole office gush over Singto's date. And all the freaking desserts Singto brings in the next day is annoying too. Who needs that much sugar anyway? Just imagining them torching all those Crème Brûlées seemed dumb to Krist.

Caller 20: Seriously, the pop-up Ice Cream Museum is awesome. It's super cute with a lot of Instagram worthy photo props. And you can create your own ice cream flavors. You should definitely bring your date before it's over.

"Thanks for the suggestion, Alexa. I'll try my luck. Hopefully, the tickets aren't sold out yet. But tonight, we'll just have to settle for a boring dinner and a movie." Singto smiles some more into the microphone.

The topic originally was 'what's a new creative date?' but somehow the listeners have changed it to 'where Singto should take his date next?' Listeners are so into 'Singto's Soul Search' that they're calling just to ask for updates when the segment is only scheduled for Fridays. That's hijacking the show in Krist's eyes. Now Krist can't wait for this campaign to be over. Just four more candidates. All he has to do is pick four more candidates for Singto to go out with, and all this soulmate nonsense will be over.

"Krist...Krist... hello?" Singto tugs on Krist's sleeve.

"Oh, sorry. I got distracted. What happened?" Krist embarrassingly says. It's not very professional to be tuned out during the show, but he really doesn't know what's going on.

"Don't worry. We're on commercial break. Are you okay? You look upset. Do you want some chocolate truffles?" Singto reaches inside his bag and pulls out three pieces of colorful tissue paper wrapped balls and slides them over to Krist.

"Sure!" Krist happily accepts. He can use a sugar boost right about now. He quickly unwraps one of the truffles and stuffs it into his mouth. "Mmm...this is really good. Very smooth and not too sweet. Just right."

"I'm glad you like it. I have some more at home. I can bring you some tomorrow. Anna taught me how to make them with the leftover chocolate ganache after we glazed the cake. We made three different flavors with extract oils, orange, peppermint, and coffee. They were really easy to make."

"Uh, that's okay. You should keep them for yourself. I'm on a diet. This will be enough." Krist pushes the remaining two truffles back to Singto. Actually, the chocolate doesn't taste that special. It's just chocolate. It's actually quite bitter. Maybe that Anna doesn't even know what she's doing. Krist thinks to himself.

"Maybe you should start cutting back on your pink milk instead." Singto chuckles pointing at Krist's empty pink milk cup. Although Krist does look cute sipping his pink milk every morning. It would be kind of sad if he ever did stop.

"No way!! It's my lifeline. You leave my pink milk out of it." Krist playfully swats Singto's pointing finger.

"Maybe I can create a pink milk flavored chocolate truffle for you. I can ask Anna tonight if she knows how to. How about that?"

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