Chapter 11

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Candidate #3
Name: Amy
Age: 25
Occupation: BL Writer

"So Arthur jumps off the same cliff Kingston fell off a year ago. His reason for living is no more. Kingston was his everything, his life, his love, his happiness. As he free falls, memories of his love flash through his mind. Beautiful smiles, wonderful laughter, playful banters, tender caresses, and passionate lovemaking all play like a movie. Arthur closes his eyes bracing himself for impact and hopes to find Kingston in the afterlife." Amy clasps her hands to her chest and openly sobs.

"Uh, here's a tissue." Singto gives a meek awkward smile to all the onlookers at the gallery. Apparently, his date is a better exhibit than all the art pieces in the room. Some people were giving him the stink eyes like he made his date cry in public.

"What kind of man makes a woman cry like that? He should be ashamed of himself. Just awful."

More than a couple of people have already mumbled the same thing passing by. They weren't even close to just being a whisper.

"Don't you think it's beautiful and tragic?" Amy looks at Singto with her eyes all puffy and mascara running down her cheeks.

"Of course. It's absolutely beautiful. Just like Romeo and Juliet. Why don't we check out that piece over there." Singto tries to lead his date to the far corner of the gallery. The less crowded the better. Hopefully, the colorful canvas over there will inspire a more joyous plot than all the tragedies he's heard so far. Those poor characters Arthur and Kingston have already died five times in many painful ways. Thank God they are only fictional characters.

"Huhuhu...huhu...this is so beautiful. I can imagine them in love dancing above clouds with beautiful wings on their backs. Can't you see it? Look." Amy points to a patch of yellow and white acrylic paint.

"Not really. Maybe if I tilt my head a little to the right. Nope. I'm sorry." Singto tries to entertain his date but he really can't see what the fuck she is talking about.

"I really pegged you to be better than this. You're so uncreative. Can't you use your imagination? The only reason I picked an art gallery for our date is to see how cultured and how open-minded you are. I can't be with someone so uncultured. Goodbye." Amy walks away. She can't imagine wasting another minute with someone who can't relate to the beautiful love between her characters Arthur and Kingston. Watch, someday her stories will get adapted into a series or a movie played by Kongpob and Arthit. She doesn't think she can even listen to this man over the radio anymore.


"That's it! This is fucking ridiculous. How or where are you guys finding these women?" Singto glares between Fiat and Krist.

Krist runs his tongue around his teeth. He's had a rather filling lunch. "We've obviously picked them from all the listeners that are interested in you. And they all fulfill your criteria. They all like music, indie movies, traveling, sunrises, sunsets, strolls along a beach..."

"That's almost everyone! You gave me a generic checklist to tick off."

"Well, if you want to write a 20-page personal essay about your profounding perspective on love and life, be my guest. Just don't expect me to read it." Krist doesn't get what's the big deal. So what if another date didn't go well. You move on and go on another one. If it was so easy to find your soulmate then why would they even be doing this? Besides, this campaign is mostly just for boosting ratings and advertisements. This guy can't really think he's going to meet his soulmate. Give him a break. There's no such thing.

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