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"Ah!" She took the bottle away from her lips and placed it on the coffee table. She let out a refreshed breath. "A cold beer is the best after a hard day." She had taken off her suit jacket and heels, only in a white tucked in work blouse, a tight business skirt and black pantyhose.

They were both sitting on the carpet floor around the coffee table, facing her TV. They were relaxing at her apartment after they found out they were neighbors and were having a sort of late welcome to the building celebration. They were already a few bottles of beer down. She was taking heavy swigs while he made conversation, drinking at a moderate pace.

"So yeah, ever since you tried to get a scoop out of me back at U.A. I've kinda been a fan, you know, c-cause of how dedicated you looked towards your job, so I regularly watch your channel's news program. Hehehe, it's actually pretty funny that we're neighbors." He was scratching his cheek with a closed eye smile. He was hiding a sweatdrop because she was pounding down the beer as he spoke, and she slammed it back on the table after finishing it, letting out a burp.

Her eyes widened after taking a while to process his words. She leaned with a messy slouch, towards him. "Oi, you mean if I asked for an interview, y-you would have probably said yes?!"

Izuku still had that polite closed eye smile. "I would have to clear it with our agency manager, Makoto but I would love to. I would be kinda nervous though."

"Really?! You would do it?!" She continued to lean towards his side. She went a little too far and lost her balance, but he easily straightened her out before any harm was done. She giggled. "It's so cool how you're not just playing a character but this is like your real personality. It's so precious and must be protected!"

Izuku sighed having been constantly told this by the community. "But I'm the one always doing the protecting..."

"Even more of a reason!" She pumped her arm up, flaring her nostrils.

"Although, thank you for the support." And a polite chuckle.

"Wait a minute, you just agreed to an interview. Hey, quit changing the subject!" She poked his chest.

"Actually you did..." Taking a sip of his beer.

"Ah, whatever. But I was wondering, if I get to have the first exclusive interview with Deku the up and coming rookie, maybe I can also..." She trailed off. Even though she was partially intoxicated she needed to build the nerve. She was pushing her index fingers together, glancing to the side with a pout and puffed up cheeks. "Do you think I could be your personal reporter? L-Like the one you would always talk to after saving the day."

"Sure I'd be happy to."

"Eh? He said it so easily!" She almost fell to the side but caught herself with the coffee table. She grew shark eyes smacking his shoulder. "At least drum up some tension, it was really hard to ask you know!"

"Sorry, sorry." He chuckled taking another sip, enjoying the friendly atmosphere. "Although that is why I said yes so quickly. It looked hard enough to ask, why make it harder for you?"

"Some people like me appreciate the drama." She lifted and sagged her shoulders. "But hey, you know what would be fun?" She scooted close to him before casually hopping on his lap, straddling him. "We should do an off the record interview, you know for fun and practice."

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