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"Starting today you are officially my sidekick, got it!"

"H-Hiee! Y-Yes ma'am." Izuku straightened up. It was his first day at Mirko's agency. He assumed he was in the main office, the agency building was quite small compared to other big-name heroes.

Mirko sighed as she leaned next to the office desk. "This is Makoto, our manager." She motioned to the person seated in front of the main desk. "She will run our day-to-day affairs, so come to her about anything outside of heroing." Mirko groaned with a facepalm. She felt cramped in the office. "I heard how much you analyze heroes so as you probably know, I just recently started an agency. I did so because I can't accomplish as much as I used to, given my stump." She flat out said while waving her left arm around.

Izuku actually thought it was kinda adorable seeing Mirko being somewhat nonchalant, even jokey about her battle wounds.

Makoto tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she scooted more into the desk. She placed her elbows on the desk, interlocking her fingers together, as she stared at Midoriya with a tilt of her head. "Starting today I'll be taking care of you."

Gulp. Izuku bowed quickly to hide his blushing cheeks. "Please take care of me!" He rushed before raising back up.

"Oh don't worry, it will be easy considering I only have you two to worry about."

Izuku scrunched his face a little in confusion. "Only us two?" Glancing at Mirko, who nodded as Makoto elaborated.

"As Mirko stated, she only recently started up her agency. Us three are the only ones working here."

"Only us three?"

This got Mirko pumped up for some reason. She pushed off the desk with a small hop. "That's right so no slacking around! We'll show everyone our rabbit grit!"

"Rabbit grit?" Izuku sweatdropped, starting to question what he got himself into. "Wh-What about bunnies? Do they have grit?"

Makoto pursed her lips in thought. "Hm, a rabbit and a bunny, huh?"

Mirko's eyes narrowed slightly, seeing Midoriya in the gym. She gave a weak tilt of the head acknowledging his presence but nothing more.

He bit back his internal sigh. 'I guess she's still thinking about yesterday.' He saw that she was heading to the press bench. She was wearing her arm prosthetic. 'Mirko only wears it when she's working out or in her daily life. She refuses to wear it when out heroing though, I think it has to do with her pride or something but if that's the case then yesterday when I...' His thoughts were naturally interrupted as he saw Mirko getting ready to lift weights. He instantly got up from where he was curling dumbells. "H-Here, let me spot you." Walking around the press bench, standing behind the bar, and having his hands under it for safety.

She nibbled her lip a little, slightly annoyed but accepted the offer. "Thanks." As her hands grabbed the bar and lifted it off its bracket.

They were already a few reps in and it was normal for the most part, except a lot more quiet than usual between them.

She let out a hefty breath as she finished her set. She dropped her arms after putting the bar back in place. "Add more weight."

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