Chapter 9- because I love you

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Harry left on their tour about a week ago and I was already sad about his non excistence in this house, even though I still screamed and sprinted into the other room when he walked out naked. Maybe we have one of those oppisites attract thing....Yeah, that. I run to my laptop and get on my IM to check if he left me a message, Nope. It's empty as always, he promised to call me, text me, IM me, but he hasn't done any of that, not once and it's making me quite mad. Darcy walks into my room with some toast and a smile on her face.

"Has he called yet?" She asks, sitting the plate down next to me.

I groan and throw myself to the floor, he's not going to call me and I just need to face the fact of that.

"Oh, sweetie. He'll call I promise." She picks me up from the ground, well maybe not picking up. She grabs my arms and pulls me up on the bed then throws my legs on as I face plant the bed hundreds of times.

"He's famous, I should've known that he wouldn't have called." Darcy makes a face that some what looks like she bidding whether I chose right.

"Stop being a party pooper on this. He doesn't call he doesn't call. Your sulking while the suns out and you look like a babys bum. Your pale slamma jamma." She giggles, smacking my butt.

"Maybe I like looking like being white like a babys butt, have you ever thought of that." I say, she actually thinks about it.

"No, no I havn't but I don't even think you would like it, now get your sex suit on and we'll go to the beach so you can rid of the light." She makes a hissing sound then sprints out of the room.

"Oh, you are so funny." I say slowing each word.

"I know now hurry your bum up!" She shouts from her and Liams room.

I flick on the radio, hm hm hm,guess who's on?

Maybe little things.

you can't go to bed with out a cup of tea,

And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep

and all those conversations, and secrets that I keep,

Though it makes no sense to me.

I replay Louis' lyrics over and over in my head again and again,

"Cup of tea." I say to myself. And that's when realization hits me. Those lyrics are about me, I stumble backwards knocking into the wall, banging my head against it and falling to the ground.

The last thing I remember is Darcy running in screaming bloody murder.


I open my eyes to see a green pair staring right at me.

"Harry." I mumble standing up. were in a bright green forest, i've seen this before, but I don't quite know where.

He smiles, but it's not his smile, it's someone elses. I look down at what he's wearing and it's not Harry's at all, what's happening?

"Harry." I start taking steps back, not looking him in the eyes anymore.

His hand grabs my face and forces me to look up at him, its no longer Harry im looking at. Two perfect blue eyes that match my color are staring back in mine, his hand wraps around my waist and pulls me closer to him, I pout out my lips, letting the kiss take over, so close to each other.

"Kelsey." A girl voice rings," Kelsey."

I open my eyes and push away from the figure that's now dizzolving.


I open my eyes and Darcy plants a slobbery kiss on my cheek.

"Ew." I huff, wiping my cheek.

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