Underneath the tree - Tom Holland

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"Ok. Stockings, check. Tree, check. Wreath, garland, and Christmas cookies...check." You opened your phone and read the checklist off as you walked around the apartment.

Tom was coming home tonight and you wanted everything to be perfect. He'd been in London for three whole months filming Far From Home and you missed him like crazy. Which meant everything had to be absolutely perfect. Three months away from the love of your life and he was coming home on Christmas Eve? It had to be pure perfection.

You did a final sweep around the apartment and everything seemed to be in order but you couldn't shake the feeling that you'd forgotten something.

"Tree, stockings, decorations, cookies, mistletoe, pres.....presents! Who forgets presents on Christmas Eve?!" You stopped talking as though you expected the non-existent person in your apartment to yell back. "Me, apparently! Good job y/n. Good job."

Rushing to your bedroom you grabbed the pile of gifts hidden in the closet, piled them into your arms, and sat down in front of the tree. You poured yourself a cup of cocoa and put Gilmore Girls on TV before beginning to wrap Tom's gifts.

Cutting the first strip of wrapping paper (you ordered custom paper on Etsy. They made custom prints based off whatever you wanted to you sent in a doodle you'd done of Spider-Man wearing a Santa hat. Was it a little extra? Sure, but it needed to be perfect! And if anything, it would make Tom laugh) you set the box in the middle and began taping the sides.

About half an hour into wrapping Tom texted that he would be home in 10 minutes. "Perfect! I only have one present left to wrap," you said to yourself, standing up to arrange the wrapped boxes under the tree. "You know, one of these days I really need to stop talking to myself." You laughed and continued to wrap Tom's final present.

Finally finished wrapping gifts you began to clean up the mess you'd made. You put the wrapping paper in the closet, the scissors back in the drawer, and the tape...where did the tape go? You moved pillows and checked the drawers but the taped seemed to have run away. Maybe if I retrace my steps I'll find it. Sitting back down where you'd been wrapping gifts you looked around the floor and "Aha!"

The tape had rolled under the tree and hit the back wall. "Gotcha," you whispered as you crawled under the tree. Tape in hand you began to back out from the tree but your hair got stuck in the branches. "Oh no." Moving your free hand your tried to untangle your hair but the motion only made tree shake. "Don't fall on me, don't fall on me, PLEASE do not fall on me. I'm too young to die."

"Ok. So no more moving." Holding onto the stupid piece of tape that got you in this predicament in the first place, you tilted your head as much as you could so that at least, if anything, you could watch Gilmore girls while you waited for Tom.

Halfway into the episode keys began jingling in the doorway. "I'm home," an all to familiar voice said. Oh how you'd missed that voice. "Wow, y/n, the place looks great! Did you do this all yourself?" Tom set his suitcase on the floor, smile bigger than ever. "Love?" Tom walked into your shared bedroom. "Where are you?"

"I..." you sighed and threw the tape at the wall. "Am under stuck under the tree."

"What?" Tom poked his head into the living room. "What do you mean you're...oh my gosh y/n," his eyes trailed to the bottom of the tree where, along with a pile of presents, your Christmas pajama pants  were poking out. "When I said you were the only present I need, this isn't what I meant."

"Yeah yeah yeah keep laughing, but will you help me out here? My hair is stuck to the branches."

"Of course, darling," Tom laughed, bending down to untangle you from the tree. "How'd you get stuck under here in the first place?"

"I was wrapping your gifts and," you crawled out from under the tree. "The stupid piece of tape rolled away and then my hair got stuck and then Luke and Lorelai broke up!"

"What?" Tom grabbed your arms and pulled you close.

"Sorry, Gilmore Girls. I'm sorry, Tommy," you sighed, resting your forehead on his chest.

"Why?" Tom tiled your chin up and met your gaze.

"Because you've been gone for three months and it's Christmas Eve and it was supposed to be perfect! I had the decor and the trees and the greeting and everything planned out, and then you came home to your girlfriend stuck under a tree. We were suppose to be under the mistletoe!" You crossed your arms. "I chose the wrong foliage."

"It all looks perfect, darling. All of it, I promise.  You're the best gift I could ever ask for. Besides," Tom smiled and pulled something out of his pocket before hanging it over your heads.

"So you just happened to have mistletoe in your pocket?"

"Just go with it, darling." You giggled as Tom put his hand around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss.

"Merry Christmas, Tommy. I missed you."

"Merry Christmas, darling. I missed you too." A warm smile spread on both your faces as Tom wrapped you in a hug and the two of you just stood there, enjoying each other's company, wrapped in the arms you'd missed for so long. "Nice choice of wrapping paper by the way."

"I knew you'd like it," you smiled. Looking up again, Tom took the opportunity to plant another kiss on your lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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