Chapter 3

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For a moment my heart had stopped. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was him; my love my life… Josh Hutcherson! ‘Hey I’m Josh Hutcherson, and you are?’ he said. It  took me a few seconds to register what his perfect voice had said. ‘Oh yeah, sorry, my names Katie!’ I paused for abit his smile was just mesmerizing. ‘Urmm sorry its abit rude of me to ask by why are you at my door?’ I had to keep it cool; I didn’t want to ask him some random stalker questions that would make me seem like a crazy fan. ‘Well I know this is a bit weird and I understand if you say no..’ What was he going to say next? This is so weird? He’s going to ask me to marry him!! Well I got my hopes up abit high there. ‘Well my car broke down outside your house and I was wondering if I could stay here for a while? Just till the mechanic comes and fixes my car, it will only be a few hours. I know you don’t know me and nor does your family but you seem nice. My car broke down outside and all things happen for a reason so I knew there had to be a reason why it was outside your house. I’m sorry if you think I’m being inappropriate but I really need some where to stay for a few hours’ this was really weird? ‘Yes sure that’s fine, Come in. I’m just revising’ he nodded. ‘Can I help? I am pretty good’ the evening went by quite quickly, I told him what my mum, dad and sister were called and everything about my life. He just sat and listened. Amelia was competing in a competition in San Francisco so my mom, dad and Amelia are staying in a hotel down there, so it was just me alone in the house. It just hit me that the josh Hutcherson was in my house. That he had been in my house for a few hours now. I could have as many autographs and pictures as I wanted. ‘Ermm Katie would I be able to have your number? I know there is 5 and a half year’s age gap between us but I just really like you and friends can have numbers right?’ Inside I was screaming outside I was playing it cool, well what I thought was cool. ‘Yeah sure’ we exchanged numbers. It was 7 o’clock. ‘Oh Katie I’m so sorry, you haven’t had any dinner, you must be starving?’ ‘I’m fine honest’ I was pretty hungry I just didn’t want him to feel bad. ‘Come out to dinner with me? My treat because you let me stay here’ I couldn’t believe it. I was going out to dinner with my idol.


We went to the pizzeria down the road.  It was one of the best evenings ever, we laughed so much and no one recognised me. ‘Katie let me walk you home, its late and I don’t want anything to happen to such a beautiful girl’ I said and she blushed. Me and Katie  took a long walk home through the park. The night sky and stars were making this night even better. I turned to her . We both stopped. There was a clap of thunder and rain started to pour. I leaned in. I hoped she wasn't going to pull away, she didn't she  was going to kiss me back . Her lips touched mine. It was like in a movie, where they kiss in the rain.It felt like we had been kissing forever and then a dog came by barking at the thunder. I pulled away. ‘Quick Katie put my jacket on. You are probably freezing.’ I placed his jacket over me and put the hood up. I grabbed my hand and we ran through the pouring rain back to her house. When we got in we both crashed on the couch. ‘That was the best night ever’ she said to me. ‘best Date ever you mean’ I corrected her and then I  lent in to kiss her… and her phone rang. Worst timing. She cancelled the call well I think she did.I forgot what the time was. ‘Oh Katie is that the time I am soo sorry but I have to go. My mum wanted to skype me at 10. I will text you tomorrow yeah?’ I  gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. This had been the best day ever.I text Jen and asked her to meet me in the words tomorrow to Meet katie 'Jen I think she's the one you have to meet her. Meet us in the forset at 11' she replied saying okay.It was the next day and I text her, I wanted to see her again.  ‘Morning Beautiful, how did you sleep? I have something planned’ I couldn't stop thinking about her. I dreamt about her so much last night. She text me back saying ‘Aw josh you didn’t have to do that And I slept amazingly thank you what about you?.’ I text her back before I got in the shower ‘I had an amazing sleep, I kept dreaming about this one girl…..And I wanted to do something with you as you let me stay at yours yesterday while my car was being fixed and you also gave me the best evening I have ever had in my life’  after my shower I cheacked my phone, she had replied!! ‘Okay then what time should I be ready?’ I decided not to reply, till when I was right outside. I was outside so I texted her ‘NOW’ I waited for a minute or two and I beeped the car horn. Her hair was in curls and she was wearing the most beautiful pair of shorts I had ever seen. She locked the door and got into the car. I had a huge smile on my face. I had my Cincinatti snapbat on but I felt under dressed compared to Katie.‘Where are we going Josh?’ she asked. ‘It’s a surprise’ I said.

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now