Chapter 27

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The next few days went quickly. I Skyped Josh every day. Josh is back in 3 days, well that what he has said. Me and Amelia were having a Hunger Games marathon and we were onto         Mocking Jay Part 1. Mom was at work and so was dad. ‘Katie’ Amelia said. ‘yes Gorgeous’ I replied. ‘Will you leave me ? I mean when December comes will you leave me for Josh?’ Amelia started to cry. ‘Amelia I will never truly leave you! I love you, your my little sister nothing can change that. I will always come and visit. It can also mean a holiday for you?’ She giggled. ‘True. But Katie. Please don’t love Josh more than me.’ I started to cry. ‘Amelia, I love you both in different ways. I love you soo much as your my sister but I don’t love Josh like a sister do I?? Nothing will change between us.’ I kissed her on the forehead. ‘Now Beautiful, Your missing My boyfriend at the moment!’ We both giggled. ‘Katie?’ Amelia asked again. ‘Can we Skype Josh?’ Amelia asked. I nodded. ‘Go get my laptop then and I will text him’ She ran upstairs. ‘Josh, Amelia wants to Skype you, is that okay?’ It was 6pm, so he shouldn’t still be filming should he? Amelia came running downstairs with my laptop. Josh still hadn’t replied. So I rang him. After a while he picked up. ‘Hello Babe.’ Josh said. I knew he was busy I could hear noise in the background. ‘Oh you sound busy don’t let me bother you.’ I said. ‘Oh no they are just filming part of a scene and I am off camera at the moment.’ ‘So How are you and Amelia then?’ Josh asked. ‘We are both good, we Just want to Skype you. How are you?’ I could hear rustling. ‘I-m-m’ Someone interrupted Josh ‘HE’S AFULL!! HE MISSES YOU SOO MUCH. HE LOVES YOU LIKE MAD AND HE WONT SHUT UP ABOUT YOU!! HE MISSES YOU SOO MUCH KATIE’ I knew who it was. Jen. ‘Jen shh! I was going to tell her later.’ Josh said. ‘Yeah, Yeah’ I could hear Jen say. ‘Sorry about that. I will be done in 10 minutes and then I will get to the Hotel and then we can skype yeah?’ Josh said. ‘Yeah!’ Amelia Screamed. I forgot she was there. She snatched the phone off me. ‘Joshua Ryan Hutcherson this is Amelia!’ I forgot how grown up she was for 6. ‘Well I am fine thank you , and how about you?’ She asked Josh. ‘Well that’s okay then! Oh yes! Joshua! You need to hurry up and get on Skype and save me!! I have been watching your films all day. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and we are now finishing Mocking Jay part 1! Please save me thanks.’ She passed the phone back to me. Josh was laughing. ‘Don’t laugh Josh. I miss you.’ I said. ‘I know you do Katie and I miss you too.’ He didn’t say anything for a bit. ‘Oh Katie we have wrapped up early so I will be on Skype in 5 minutes. I love you see you then bye’ He hung up.  Me and Amelia Set up Skype and finished watching Mocking Jay part 1. Then the annoying Skype ringtone started up. Josh was calling us. Amelia clicked the except button. His face popped up on the screen. Amelia started talking to him. They got on so well. ‘Josh when will you be back? I want to go to the cinema with you’ Amelia asked. ‘Oh Beautiful I am back In 3 days so we can go then yeah? What do you want to see?’ Josh Looked at me. I smiled and began to cry. Amelia was looking down thinking to herself. Josh blew me a kiss. Tears started to stream down my cheeks. ‘Well Josh, I want to see Barbie Fairytopia: King of the Mushrooms as I have seen the other 3 in the series.’ Josh nodded. ‘Okay then Amelia we will go see that!!’ Amelia smiled. ‘Aww Amelia aren’t you lucky Josh is going to take you to see it Amelia. Are you going to say thank you?’ I said. ‘Thank you Josh!! Thank you soo Much I love you. But not Like the way Katie loves you. We were talking about this earlier. Katie loves me and you the same but differently because she loves me like a sister, and if she loved you like a sister It would be weird. So I love you like a sister.’ Josh laughed. ‘Amelia you are one clever girl.’ Josh said. ‘Josh I have to go now because I want to read my book but Katie is going to stay and talk to you. I love you! Bye!!’ She went up to the camera and kissed it. So did Josh. ‘Bye Amelia. I love you too!’ Amelia gave me a hug and whispered in my ear. ‘I’m not really going to read my book. I wanted you to speak to Josh alone because you miss him. But I am going to read my book anyway’ She looked at me. ‘Okay thank you beautiful.’ I said she got up and went upstairs. ‘Josh!’ I said. ‘Katie’ He said back. I suddenly remembered what his mom and dad said in the kitchen. ‘Babe what is wrong?’ Josh asked. ‘Nothing its fine’ I replied. He finally got it out of me. ‘What?!! No it wouldn’t have been about you. My mom and dad love you, they think you amazing. I haven’t had any girlfriends this year. It must have been about Connor.’ Josh said. I was so happy, it wasn’t about us. ‘How was filming then?’ I asked. Me and Josh talked about everything and anything. Mom came in at 7 and said ‘hello’ to Josh and went to the kitchen. Dad came in at 9 and said ‘Hello’ To Josh and went to the kitchen. It was 11:30 and Josh had to go as he had to get up early for filming. We said our goodbyes and quit the call. I shut my laptop down and laid on the sofa. My legs hurt from sitting cross legged for 5 and half hours. I started to cry. I missed Josh, How could I do this on a regular basis.  ‘Katie Wake up!!’ I heard Amelia scream, she was shaking me. I must have fallen asleep on the sofa without knowing. ‘Come on Katie we are going into Frances Mall, there is a surprise for you’ Amelia gasped and covered her mouth like she wasn’t meant to say anything. ‘Okay! I won’t say I know about the surprise okay?’ She nodded. ‘But can I go have a shower first??’ She nodded. I ran upstairs and got in the shower. When I had finished in the shower I got dressed into a white flowery top and some denim shorts to match. I curled my hair and put abit of make up on as I had no idea what my Surprise was. I got my navy vans and slipped them on as I stumbled down the stairs. ‘Hurry Katie come on!’ I hear Amelia yell as the front door shut. I grabbed the key and locked the door. Mom, dad and Amelia were already sat in the car waiting for me. I climbed in. We drove to the mall, pulling up infront of it ‘Katie we are just nipping in Macy’s We will be out in a second can you get the trunk ready please’ Dad asked. I nodded as they walked in. I got round to the back of the car and lifted the trunk up. I placed the blankets out flat so the surface of the trunk was flat, when I felt someone cover my eyes. I screamed. ‘Shhh!’ The person said. ‘Help!!’ I yelled. The person now had hold of my waist with one hand and was still covering my eyes with the other. I continued screaming. The person removed their hand and spun me round and held my waist. It was Josh. I kissed him for who knows how long. My hands on his jaw and his hands on my waist. I started to cry. We broke away. ‘Josh what are you doing here? It’s 9 and you are meant to be on set?’ I said. Josh chuckled. ‘No I am not. You know yesterday I said that we wrapped up early?’ He said, questioning me. Without giving me time to answer he replied. ‘Exactly, we finished early and we were allowed to go home. I was getting a flight at 2:30, that’s why I said I had to go to bed at 11:30 because of filming. I lied. I had to pack, eat and get to the airport.’ I smiled and kissed him again. ‘Josh you know I love you.’ I said. He nodded. ‘Yes I do know that Katie, because I Love you too’ We kissed again, I felt someone behind us. ‘aww’ I heard. I turned around. It was Mom, Dad and Amelia. ‘Did you know about this?’ I asked. The all blushed and nodded. I gave them a smirk. ‘Come on then, let’s go home’ I said.

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now