Chapter 10

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Me and Josh rolled on the bed for abit. Josh said he had to go as he had to meet up with Avan. He kissed me and left. I heard the door shut. I got in the shower. I got dressed and curled my hair. Then there was a knock at the door. I ran down stairs thinking it was Josh. I was completely wrong. I swung open the door. It was Josie. ‘Hi Katie, Urmm I am sorry and I didn’t mean to act the way I did, Can we be friends again?’ I didn’t reply ‘Katie I am really sorry’ ‘But you’re not truly sorry, your still friends with Emily and it’s not going to work if you are sorry. You didn’t believe me and called me pathetic so please leave my house. If I want to be friends I will text you. Bye’ I shut the door. I sat down to watch TV and then there was another knock on the door. I answered it. It was a girl I didn’t know. ‘Hey My names Veronika and I just moved in next door what’s your name?’ She seems confident and friendly. ‘Oh hello, my names Katie. Do you want to come in?’ She came in and sat down. ‘Do you live here alone or do you have family?’ I smiled. ‘No I live her with my mom Sienna, Dad Charlie and Sister Amelia. They are in Mexico visiting my Nan’ she nodded. ‘You seem really nice what’s your number?’ We swapped numbers. ‘Do you want to go to town Veronika?’ She nodded. We caught the bus into town. We were in town hours and hours. We went into Wal Mart so Veronika could get her cereal her mom forgot and she picked up a magazine. ‘Katie is this you?’ she asked. I looked over at the magazine! It was me! I was on the cover of a magazine! Somehow the Paparazzi got into my party that Josh organised. There was 10 pages of pictures from the whole night, Ones of my hugging Avan and Josh, Ones of me and Josh dancing. I can’t believe some low life would do this but then I realised that’s the problem with being famous. ‘Yeah Veronika its is’ I was so embarrassed. ‘Josh Hutcherson threw me a late birthday party and the paparazzi were there and we didn’t know. One second Veronika I have to ring Josh’ She nodded, I brought the magazine and we walked back to the bus.  On the bus I rang Josh. He picked up. ‘Josh you have to get to my house straight away!!’ ‘What’s happened Katie?’ ‘I just need to show you something quick’ ‘I Can’t I am with Avan’ ‘Well bring him, he’s in this too!!’ ‘Okay Beautiful I will be right there’ He hung up. The bus stopped right outside my house and I ran in. The there was a knock at the door. It was Josh and Avan. They both came in. ‘Hey this is Veronika’ I said.  Avan’s face lit up. ‘Hey Veronika I’m Avan Jogia nice to meet such a beautiful girl’ She blushed. ‘Smooth Avan Smooth’ Josh whispered. ‘Me and Veronika will go get some drinks! Coke boys?’ They both nodded. Me and Veronika walked into the Kitchen. ‘Veronika he so likes you!!! Do you like him?’ She blushed ‘Oh course I do!’ She smiled. ‘I am going to make this happen. I am going to set you two up on a date’ she smiled. ‘Now let’s get the coke and some glasses and go back in’ we grabbed the coke and glasses and walked into the room. Josh was sat on the single seat and Avan was sat on the double. Me and Veronika walked back in. Veronika sat next to Avan on the Double seat and I sat on Josh’s lap. ‘Josh Look, The got into the party? That means they could be watching me all the time’ I handed josh the Magazine. ‘I don’t know how they got in. This always happens I am so sorry Katie’ He kissed me, when he kissed me everything was better again. ‘Katie I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to protect you and keep you safe’ Josh said. ‘Avan and Veronika do you want to go on a double date tonight? Guys it’s obvious’ I said. They both blushed. ‘Take it as a yes then?’ Josh said. ‘Come on Avan we have to get ready. Girls we will pick you up at 6’ Josh kissed me and got up. He pulled Avan out of his seat and they both walked out the door. 


I awake to the sound of a buzzing. My alarm. Katie starts to stir. ‘Katie, do you want breakfast? I am gone make some pancakes again.’ She grunts. I guess that’s a yes. I trudge downstairs and start making the pancakes. I hear the shower go on. Katie must of faked the tiredness so she could get in the shower before me. I will get her back in a minute. I had taken all her eggs so I ran to the shop to buy her some new ones. I grabbed the eggs and went to the checkout. There they were. The pictures of me and Katie last night, plastered all over the magazines and newspapers I grabbed one and paid. I got back to Katie’s just as she was walking down the stairs. ‘Look’ I showed her the magazine. Her smile dropped. ‘It’s fine remember. It’s not a rumour it is true because I love you and you love me’ she said. ‘Can I keep it? I have a collection of all the ones of us. There have been so many’ she asked. ‘Course. I am going to have a shower now or I will be late. You eat the pancakes and I will get ready’ she smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I went upstairs and got in the shower. When I got out I put my clothes on and looked at my phone. There was a message from mum. ‘Josh flight leaves at 10 so get to the airport for 8:45’ I looked at the clock it was 8! I only had 45 minutes. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I run into the kitchen to eat the pancakes. Katie was sat watching TV. ‘Katie do you know where my keys are?’ I yelled from the kitchen. “Katie, do you know where they are? I’m going to miss my flight.” I stick my head round the kitchen door. ‘Right there’ She said gesturing towards the table in front of me. ‘I don’t want you to go’ she says quietly. ‘Katie my beautiful amazing girlfriend. It’s only for a week I promise’ I assured her. She smiled. ‘Katie, we really have to go now and while I’m away can you look after my car please’ I said. She nodded. We got in the car. I grabbed her hand and she didn’t let go. I drove all the way to the airport with her hand in mine. We get to the airport in a few minutes. I go to the trunk and get my suitcase out and I wheel it around to the passenger side of the car where Katie gets out. “I’m going to miss you.” She says quietly, a tear rolling down her cheek. ‘I’m going to miss you too. But don’t cry ok Katie?’ I say. She nods her head. I press my lips against her soft lips. ‘I love you’ I say ‘I love you too’ She replies. ‘I’ll call you when the flight lands, ok?’ she nods her head and wipes away her tears. I kiss her forehead and leave for the flight. I turn around and wave, but she had gone back to the car. When I get inside I try to find my mom, my dad and Connor, in the crowds of screaming fans and paparazzi. I sign a few autographs and finally see my mom. I rush over to her. We check in and fly threw security. I text Katie right before we get on the plane. ‘Bye Gorgeous see you in 6 days and a few hours. I love you’ my mom was reading over my shoulder. ‘So Josh who is this gorgeous then?’ I blushed ‘Oh just my girlfriend mom don’t make a big fuss she’s amazing and she was the friend I wanted to bring’ I replied. ‘Oh josh I am soo sorry I didn’t know if you would of told me she might have been able to come’ ‘Its fine mom’ I butted in.

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now