Chapter 7

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It was Josie and Elizabeth, they came round the corner just as we did. Elizabeth gave me the dirtiest of looks but then smiled? I was confused then I realised it was because I was with Jen. I looked about Jen and smiled and we carried on walking. Josie and Elizabeth stopped and starred. I forgot to check my phone to see if Josie had replied. She had. ‘Don’t bother ever texting me again you liar that isn’t you with josh stop making up pathetic lies because you’re an obsessed freak’ Jen knew something was up and asked what was wrong, I said 'nothing' and she nodded and we carried on. She could tell I didn't want to talk about it so she left it. We got to the cinema and soo many fans were asking Jen for Autographs, I don't know how she does it; her hand must hurt soo much. After we watched the movie it was late. The cinema was empty. Jen drove me home. 'Katie you are such a lovely girl, I am soo happy josh has found someone just like you and has fallen in love' I smiled. 'Aw thank you Jen, I will see you soon yeah?' She nodded. I walked in and sat down on the couch. I looked at my phone I had 15 new messages. Ergh brilliant. Could this day get any worse? The 1st one was from josh, phew! 'Hello gorgeous, how was shopping and the film? Do u wanna meet up tomorrow? I have something for you!' I giggled. 'Sure I texted back, tell me what time and I will be ready' the next one was really strange it was from luke, luke was Josies brother. 'Katie you know Jennifer Lawrence? Josie said she saw you in town today with her?' I was confused why would josie talk about me if she hated me? The next message was from jess. 'You know Jennifer lawrence since when?' Text after text after text had the same things, 'you know jennifer lawrence?' Or 'aw wow you know jennifer can I meet her' and the list goes on. Josie and Elizabeth must of spred it around. The last 2 texts I had were from Josie and Elizabeth.'Oh Katie I am so sorry about what I said to you, I should of belived you all along! Can you forgive me?' Josie text me! 'No I can never forgive you! Leave me alone' I text back, I can't belive I said that to her, well she deserved it after what she texted me. The last one was from Elizabeth. 'Katie I know we haven't spoken in ages, I am truly sorry for what happened ages ago when we fell out but I want us to be friends again. Your so nice and amazing just think about it yeah?' Haha yeah I already have.  'no I never want to be friends with you again. A few days ago you would say I was an idiot and that I was a geek. You only want to be friends because I know Jennifer Lawrence! So leave me alone' I didn't get any more texts after that except from Josh telling me to be ready by 11:30 and his reactions to what everyone had text me. I got into bed and was drifting of to sleep when there was a loud knocking at the door. I sat up quickly and ran downstairs. I didn't want to open it but I did. I didn't regret it. 


We drove to the party, katie was silent the whole way. When we got there I broke the silence 'Katie we are here, stay sat here I have to go in and make sure everythings okay' 'Okay be quick I don't like not knowing where I am' I heard her but I made out I wasn't there, I felt bad not telling her where we were. I walked up to the enterance. Avan and Jen were waiting outside. 'Everything ready? She's in the car' I said to them. Me and Jen walked in and Avan went to get her. When I walked in everyone was there! Xander,Isabelle,Jackie,Williow,Mitchel,Miley,Liam and everyone else. 'Okay guys she's out side, everyone hide!! Avans just getting her' we all hid and after a while I heard Avan say 'Katie take your blind-fold off in 3... 2...1!!' We all waited for a few seconds 'SUPRISE!!!!' We all screamed!! Katie was soo shocked. I went over to her 'Happy Late Birthday Katie!!! I felt bad for not meeting you before so I threw you a surprise party!!' She smiled and so did I. Each person came over to her individually and introduced themselves, swapped numbers and gave her a present! I went over to her ' Are you having a good time?' I asked 'Josh are you being stupid a 'Good' time!!' My Smile dropped. I thought she hated it 'I am having a great time!!!!' she grabbed my face and kissed me! 'Josh this is the best thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you so much!' I grabbed her hand and dragged her onto the dance floor we danced for ages and everyone joined in. I grabbed her hand and dragged her onto the dance floor we danced for ages and everyone joined in. At 9:30 everyone sung Katie Happy birthday and she blew out the candles ‘What was your wish Katie?’ I asked. ‘I can’t tell you otherwise it won’t come true’ she smiled and kissed me. We all partied till 1 the next morning. I drove Katie home. We both fell asleep on my bed straight away. The next morning I woke up before Katie again so I decide to get in the shower. After I walked into her room with just my towel on! She screamed and then realised it was only me then laughed. ‘Close your eyes Katie I have to get dressed’ I Said. ‘Okay Joshua!’ She said with a giggle. She hid under the duvet. I got dressed and Jumped on top of the bed. She screamed. 

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon