Chapter 14

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My ex-Boyfriend Kayden had to be the restaurant take away delivery man on this very day. ‘Katie, I haven’t seen you in ages.’ Kayden said. Me and Kayden split up nearly a year ago. He wanted me have sex with him behind the bleachers at the school football game, I refused and he broke up with me. He told me he had already done it with Elizabeth. The next day Elizabeth and Kayden were dating. They didn’t last long. I always wondered why I boy like Kayden would like a girl like me? Kayden looked like Cody Simpson when he was 15. Cody is 18 now. So yeah Kayden looks like Cody, so why would he like me? ‘Yeah I know Kayden; I haven’t seen you since you and Elizabeth were dating! Why you working at the Takeaway then?’ He blushed, He had apologised to me countless times, and He kept asking me to take him back. ‘Oh, just trying to earn some cash and yeah about the Elizabeth thing… I am still really sorry. I still love you Katie’ I didn’t know what to reply. ‘Kayden.. You know I don’t feel the same way babe. I did love you. I have a boyfriend Kayden. I’m sorry.’ I Felt bad I don’t like upsetting people. This was one of the hardest things to do. ‘Oh okay, I’m sorry to waste your time that will be $2 ma’am’ I paid him $5. ‘Keep the change Kayden, I’m Sorry. Text me yeah? We can meet up and be close friends?’ He smiled ‘Thank you ma’am, I will and you look beautiful tonight Ma’am’ I blushed and Smiled. I waved as I closed the door. I checked my phone it was 9. Josh will be back in 1 hour and a half. I ate my salad and watched TV for abit. I was 9:50. I got in Josh’s Car and Drove to the airport. It was 10:17. I went to the car park, there were no spaces. I looked everywhere. I found one right outside the airport. I parked out the front and stood inside the Arrivals by the door where they all come out. I looked at the Arrivals Board. The flight had already come in?!?! Had I missed him. The Arrivals Door slowly opened, just like electric doors do but No one came through. Then suddenly, I heard footsteps. My head shot up and looked straight at the door. It was Josh! I ran towards him ‘JJJJOOOOSSSHHHH!!’ I yelled. I jumped. He grabbed me. I hooked my legs around his back and he spun me around. His lips touched mine. He slowly stopped spinning. We kissed for ages. Camera flashes came from all directions. I didn’t care, I had my Josh back.


‘Josh, get down here. It’s important’ I heard my dad yell. I hadn’t spoken to my dad these couple of days as he had been busy, so I ran downstairs. ‘Josh I got some bad news’ Mom said. She pointed at the TV. There was a Hurricane coming and they had to shut the airport. ‘But mom it’s Kentucky? Were not even by the coast?’ I replied. I can’t believe this was happening now! ‘Josh Honey, They said it was going to be the worst Hurricane of the Century’ I froze. I ran to my room. I went onto American airlines website and looked for flights for today. There was one flight left. Its scheduled departure was 5:30 pm. I looked at my watch it was 4:34 pm! I had time. I booked it. Brilliant. I packed my stuff. I looked at my watch it was 4:56. I only had  less than 1 hour  till the plane leaves. I ran downstairs and told mom what was happening. ‘Okay Josh sees you in a few days’ Mom said. She kissed me. Dad, Grandma and Grandpa did the same. The airport was about 2 minutes’ walk. I got to the airport and 4:59 and checked in. I just made it. The Check-In lady gave me a speedy boarding pass letting me through security without queuing. I got to the boarding lounge, I got out my phone I had 3 texts. One from Avan ‘Josh, there’s a hurricane coming your way mate? You coming home now or later on? I just need to know cuz Ermm your house is abit ergh’ Trust Avan to go in my house while I was away ‘Avan, mate I’m flying in 1 hour. You better start cleaning up’ I went to the next text. It was Shannon. Hadn’t she ruined my day enough? ‘I’m sorry Joshie I didn’t mean to, I just still love you’ this day kept getting worse and worse. The last text was from Katie. ‘I am sorry Josh that I replied so late, It’s just I have had some bad news and I didn’t want to text you back because I knew that I would have to tell you. I miss you tones. I love you’ what bad news? Was she dumping me? No, she just said she loves me? What? ‘Aww babe, are you okay what bad news? I am just about to board the plane. I coming home babe. I love you I will be back in 5 hours.’ I turned my phone off and boarded the plane. I found my seat. This day had become 10 times worse. ‘Oh Josh, I didn’t expect to see you here’ It was Shannon. ‘Shannon why are you on this flight?’ I asked. ‘Oh Josh don’t worry I am not stalking you. I start filming in LA this week and I was flying out tomorrow but the hurricane stopped me. So I got this flight.’ I huffed. I sat down in my seat. We took of early. The seat belt sign turned off. I put my headphones and blindfold on and turned my music up, I slowly closed my eyes. I felt a hand sliding up my leg. ‘What are you doing!! ?’ I yelled.  ‘I’m sorry Josh I didn’t know how else to wake you and I just wanted to touch you again.’ Shannon said, she leaned in. I clipped my seat belt and stood up. ‘Leave me alone yeah? Bye Shannon have a nice life’ I grabbed my bag and got off the plane. The plane had come in early. It was Due to arrive at 10:30 but it landed at 10. I got my luggage from the baggage hall. I went through customs and Immigration. I was just about to walk through the arrival doors, when I saw some Chocolate I thought Katie might like. I went over to the man and paid for them. I got to the doors and they opened. I walked straight smiling for the cameras when I noticed her. The Arrivals Door slowly opened, just like electric doors do but No one came through. She ran towards me ‘JJJJOOOOSSSHHHH!!’ she yelled. She jumped. I grabbed her. She hooked her legs around my back and I spun her around. My lips touched hers, I had missed our kisses, Her perfect sweet little lips. I slowly stopped spinning. We kissed for ages. Camera flashes came from all directions. I didn’t care, I had my Katie back.

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now