Chapter 11

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As soon as the boys went me and Veronika ran upstairs to find something to wear. We were just about ready when Avan knocked the door. His draw dropped when he saw Veronika, she was wearing a beautiful black dress and I was wearing my jean shorts and a white flowery top. ‘Hello girls, you ready?’ We both looked at each other and nodded.  I could Just about see Josh’s shadow in the car. ‘Katie you sit in the front with Josh and I will sit in the back with Veronika’ Avan whispered to me.Avan and Veronika got in the back and I got in the front passenger seat next to me. ‘Hey gorgeous’ Josh said. He leaned in to kiss me. Then Avan coughed and sniggered. Me and Josh sat back into our seats. Josh started the car and we drove to the restaurant.  Avan and Veronika didn’t speak the whole way; I turned around to look at them. I looked straight back at Josh. I pointed, Josh and I both turned and looked, the where kissing. It was so cute, that sounds really patronizing but it was. We pulled up outside the restaurant. Josh got out the car and walked round to my side of the car and opened the door. I hopped out; Avan did the same with Veronika. Josh grabbed my hand. ‘Josh what is the paparazzi see us? They will make loads of rumours.’ I said to Josh panicky. ‘Katie it’s not a rumour, because we are together. I love you and you love me’ I smiled. ‘But Josh…’ I didn’t get to finish because my lips touched his. I heard loads of camera flashes. Then I realised we were outside in public, and this would be all over the magazines the next day. Josh pulled away and grabbed my hand. We walked in and got a table. I ordered Pasta with meatballs so did Josh. It got to 10 pm; the evening had gone so quick. Me and Josh left Avan and Veronika at the restaurant. We got in the car. ‘Katie’ Josh asked ‘Yes Josh? What’s wrong?’ I said. I wondered what he was going to say next. Was it bad or good? ‘I don’t know how to say this and I know we were going to do stuff together but I have to go to Kentucky tomorrow morning. I am sorry, my mom texted me earlier’ Josh replied. I was trying not to seem upset. ‘It’s fine Josh, promise its only for abit anyways. Do you wanna go to your house pack? And then stay round mine?’ He nodded. We drove to his house ‘Wait here beautiful I will be 2 seconds’ He whispered to me and then ran inside. I got out my phone and looked through my messages, one was from Jen ‘Hey Future Mrs Hutcherson ;) What you doing tomorrow? Wanna come round and chill out?’ I giggle. ‘Future Mrs Hutcherson… Jen. Yeah I would love too, Where do you live and what time?’ I replied. The next one was from Josie. Bit strange because I told her not to text me again. ‘Katie please can we be friends again, I am so sorry. Me and Elizabeth aren’t friends anymore swear down. Please forgive me’ I waited I didn’t know what to reply. ‘Fine I am sorry too I over reacted’ I could just about see Josh running back with a suitcase. He out it in the trunk, he got in, and kissed me. We drove straight to my house. Went in and watched a film. I fell asleep on Josh.


The Plane landed. We got out luggage and went through the gate. Mom got us a Taxi to Grandma’s. The ride felt like ages, I hated being here last time I was here something bad happened. We pulled up outside Grandma’s house. I hugged her and went up to my room. I didn’t say anything to anyone I didn’t want to. I wanted to go home to my beautiful Girlfriend because I had left her upset. I didn’t want to text Katie, she might be asleep. I looked at my phone, 11:24. I text Katie so that when she woke up she could read it and think of me. ‘Morning Beautiful, I miss you soo much only 5 more days and about 12 hours. I want to come back and see you, Have an amazing week. There isn’t very good signal out here, so if I don’t reply then just remember I am always thinking about you. Love you’ A tear came to my eye, I had never loved anyone the way I loved her. Had a fallen hard? Am I truly in love? I laid on my back. Someone was knocking on my door. ‘Get up boy its 8:30!!’ It was my Grandpa. I must have fallen asleep. I got up and into the shower. Connor was waiting outside. ‘Moms taken my phone, where is yours? She might of taken yours too’ Connor Whispered. I ran as fast I could to my bedroom. I looked everywhere. It wasn’t anywhere to be found. I was so angry, how could she do this, she knows that Katie’s my girlfriend and that I want to text her. I got dressed and walked downstairs, to the table where everyone was sat. Dad next to mom, Grandpa next to Grandma, then me and Connor were placed at both ends of the table. Everyone started eating their waffles and pancakes. I just sat there. Finally I burst. ‘MOM WHERE IS MY PHONE!! YOU CAN’T TAKE SOMEONES PHONE AWAY FROM THEM I HAVE PEOPLE I NEED TO SPEAK TO. PEOPLE I PROMISED TO TEXT!!!’ I yelled. Everyone stared at me. I got up from the table and walked off back to my room. I could hear them all gossiping about me. Mom had probably told all of them about Katie. I slammed my door. I looked out, my window and saw a familiar face I didn’t really want to see. She was waving back at me. I forgot she lived next door to Grandma. She blew me kisses and waved. She hasn’t moved on are you serious? We were dating about 5 nearly 6 years ago. Does she still love me? Do I still love her? I don’t know? I love Katie! I love Katie not Shannon.

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now