Chapter 4

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We went to the pizzeria down the road.  It was one of the best evenings ever, we laughed so much and no one recognised him. ‘Katie let me walk you home, it’s late and I don’t want anything to happen to such a beautiful girl’ I blushed. Josh just called me beautiful. I think I might of died and gone to heaven. Me and Josh took a long walk home through the park. The night sky and stars were making this night even better. Josh turned to me. We both stopped. There was a clap of thunder and rain started to pour. Josh leaned in. He was going to kiss me. This was my dream. His lips touched mine. It was like in a movie, where the guy that she loves finally lovers her back and they kiss in the rain. It felt like we had been kissing forever and then a dog came by barking at the thunder. Josh pulled away. ‘Quick Katie put my jacket on. You are probably freezing.’ He placed his jacket over me and put the hood up. He grabbed my hand and we ran through the pouring rain back to my house. When we got in we both crashed on the couch. ‘That was the best night ever’ I said to him. ‘Best Date ever you mean’ he lent in to kiss me… and then my phone rang. It was Josie she had to ring right now when josh was right about to kiss me. I cancelled the call ‘Oh Katie is that the time I am soo sorry but I have to go. My mum wanted to Skype me at 10. I will text you tomorrow yeah?’ He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. This had been the best day ever. I rang Josie no answer,I couldn’t wait to tell her. But I had to wait till  the next day.It was the next day and I had over slept. I looked at my phone there was a text From Josh. ‘Morning Beautiful, how did you sleep? I have something planned’ I screamed in excitement. I text him back ‘Aw josh you didn’t have to do that And I slept amazingly thank you what about you?.’ I got in the shower. When I got out I had another text. ‘I had an amazing sleep, I kept dreaming about this one girl…..And I wanted to do something with you as you let me stay at yours yesterday while my car was being fixed and you also gave me the best evening I have ever had in my life’  I smiled. ‘Okay then what time should I be ready?’ He didn’t reply so I decided to get ready. I curled my hair and put on some shorts and my new top. I looked at my phone ‘NOW’ he texted me? What did that mean? There was a car beep from outside. It was josh. I see what he meant by 'now'. I rushed downstairs and locked the door. I got into the car. Josh had a huge smile on his face. He had his Cincinnati Reds hat on like he always does in pictures. ‘Where are we going Josh?’ I asked. ‘It’s a surprise’ he said.


We drove to the forest,I didn't want Katie to know where we were going to I went the long way. Her phone started ringing, she picked up, she didn't speak for a while then she said 'Oh its okay Mom I will stay here, me and josie planned to do stuff and I can't cancel' she put the phone down'Katie who was that?'I was just curious 'Just my mom she wanted to know if I wanted to see my nan but I said no, I wanted to spend time with you' I blushed. 'Aww, oh we are nearly here, close you eyes' I stopped the car and got out, I made sure when I shut the door it didn't make a noise. I walked over to jen who was waiting for us. I double cheacked everything was in place. I walked back to the car and opended the door. 'Katie just slide out and I will carry you, its abit hard to walk on when your eyes are shut' I said to her. I carried her all the way to jen. I smiled at jen. 'Katie you can open your eyes now' Jen said.She opened her eyes quickly! 'Hey Katie, I am soo happy to meet you. Josh kept texting me last night about you, non-stop'Jen said! I blushed and when I looked at Katie she did too. She smiled at me and I  smiled back.'This place is stunning' Katie said. There was a picnic layed out, Jen was sat on the blanket with all the food and drink.That day went quickly, I don't know what we even did. It got to 9 o'clock at night and Jen had to go as she had an audition early in the morning. 'Oh katie before I go can I have your number?' Jen said  'Yeah sure Jennifer, I can't belive you even want to be friends with me' she said 'Call me Jen not Jennifer your one of my best friends, any one Josh likes as much as you is straight away my best friend ‘ Jen said. I am so happy Jen likes her. Jen went and me and Katie laid under the stars. ‘Katie I know this is pretty soon, and I haven’t known you long but I feel like I have and you’re a really nice girl’ I paused,does she feel the same? What if I look stupid?‘Urmm well will you be my girlfriend?’ I smiled ‘Josh you don’t know how long I have been waiting for you to ask me that question. Yes!! How could I not say yes. I love Joshua Ryan Hutcherson’ I blushed and I leaned in. 

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now