Chapter 19

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I dropped down the side of the door. What had I done? I had ruined everything and everything we had together. He probably hates me now. I love him and always will; but why did he ask now when he knows I am moving. I can’t believe I slammed the door in his face. I started crying even more. I don’t know how I could have been so stupid.I could hear Josh’s Voice talking to someone but I couldn’t make out who. I went upstairs to look out the window. He was sat in his car now. He looked lonely I didn’t know what to do. I sat down on the floor and looked at my phone. No one had texted me or called me. I didn’t want to speak to Josie because It had been so long and I still hadn’t forgiven her even though I said I did. I didn’t want to text Veronika because she would be with Avan and then Avan would tell Josh and I don’t know if Josh had told him. I didn’t want to text anyone but Josh. I went to the bathroom to check my makeup. My mascara was running slowly down my face. I wiped it off and re applied it. I had just finished my last eye when the doorbell rang. I put the lid on it and started to walk downstairs. The doorbell rang again. ‘IM COMING, IM COMING’ I yelled.I started to unlock the door. I opened it. I heard a strum of a guitar. It was One Direction!! They started singing ‘What makes you beautiful’ and then blended it into ‘stole my heart’ then into ‘Gotta be you’ and then ended with ‘Little Things’ I was smiling the whole time. Slowly the boys started to split and revealed Josh.I smiled, so did Josh. I ran to Josh. I jumped and he caught me. I wrapped my legs round his back and hung on. He spun round. ‘I’m Sorry’ I whispered.  ‘Why are you sorry? There is nothing for you to be sorry for.’ Josh whispered back. He stopped spinning and carried me to my room. He dropped me on the bed. He started to take of my shirt and so did I. I pulled down his Jeans and he pulled down my skirt. He had Calvin Klein boxers on. He flung himself at me. I screamed and I closed my eyes, I didn’t want him to land on me. He landed next to me on the bed. We wrestled and somehow I ended up on top of him. I had her arms placed on the bed next to his shoulders and I was straddled over Josh. I leant down to kiss him. He closed my eyes. I heard a scream.


I dropped to the floor. What had I done? I had ruined everything and everything we had together. She probably hates me now. I had to ask her because I don’t know when I would get the chance again. I love her and always will and I want to prove it too her; but I guess she doesn’t feel the same, if she did she wouldn’t of slammed the door in my face. I could hear her sobbing. I didn’t know what I had done or what I had to do. I had an Idea. I got out my phone and started to ring Victoria Justice. ‘Hey Vic, I need your help with something.’ I said when she picked up. I explained to her everything that had happened. I hadn’t spoken to her in ages because we had both been busy. ‘I Have an Idea’ She yelled. ‘Where does she live?’ She asked. I told her and we said bye. I had left this to Victoria Justice. If I lose Katie forever it will be on her part. I went and sat in the car because if the paparazzi saw me they would assume everything. Nothing happened for 5 minutes. Then I saw Vic’s car in the distance finally. She pulled up in front of my car and I climbed out. ‘Look who I got’ She said as she climbed out the car. The back two doors opened. I saw the top of a guitar! It was one direction! I don’t know if Katie likes one direction because I hadn’t asked her. ‘Hey’ they all said. Bit weird, they said it all at the same time. ‘Hey Boys’ I said back. ‘So, Josh, I brought the boys over to sing a medley for Katie.’ I smiled. It was the best plan ever. She is bound to love it; even if she doesn’t like one direction. ‘Josh, you go to the door with them, but stand behind them so she doesn’t see you. During the song they will move to reveal you. They will slowly walk down the path back to the car. Leaving you and Katie alone? Okay?’ I nodded. Victoria got back into the car, Me and the boys went up to the door. Liam Knocked. No one answered. He knocked again. ‘IM COMING, IM COMING’ Katie yelled. I could just about hear it, she must have been upstairs. The door was being unlocked. She opened the door. The first strum of the guitar was heard. They started off with ‘What makes you beautiful’ and then blended it into ‘stole my heart’ then into ‘Gotta be you’ and then ended with ‘Little Things’ Katie was smiling the whole time. Little things summed her up perfectly. Slowly the boys started to split and reveal me.I smiled, so did Katie. She ran to me. She jumped and I caught her. She wrapped her legs round my back and hung on. The boys had already gone and gotten into the car. I spun round. I could see Vic  smiling. She waved and Drove off ‘I’m Sorry’ Katie whispered.  ‘Why are you sorry? There is nothing for you to be sorry for.’ I whispered back. I stopped spinning and carried her to her room. I dropped her on the bed. I started to take of my shirt and so did she. She pulled down my Jeans and I pulled down her skirt. She was wearing a matching pair of Knickers and bra. I just had my Calvin Klein boxers on. I flung myself at her. She closed her eyes and Screamed.I landed next to her on the bed. We wrestled and somehow she ended up on top of me. She had her arms placed on the bed next to my shoulders and she was straddled over me. She leant down to kiss me, when the bedroom door opened. I closed my eyes. I knew something bad was going to happen. I heard a scream.

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now