Chapter 30

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I wanted to speak to the person I supposedly loved. Who was he? There was a knock at the door. It was him. His eye, his jaw, everything about him was gorgeous. I snapped out of it! I had to be angry at this man! I don’t know him. ‘Can I Come in?’ He hesitantly asked. I nodded. ‘So.’ I said. There was an awkward silence. ‘Don’t you remember anything?’ He asked. ‘No? I just know who my family are, why is that a problem? You don’t seem to really care?’ I said back sharp fully. I felt so bad after I had said it. ‘YOU DON’T THINK I CARE!!’ He yelled. ‘I HAVE BEEN IN THIS HOSPITAL ROOM FOR NEARLY TWO WEEKS WAITING FOR YOU TO WAKE UP!! I HAVE QUESITONED THE NURSES AND DOCTORS SO MUCH THEY CANT GIVE ME ANYMORE ANSWERS!! AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY I DON’T CARE!!!’ He screamed. He started to cry and got up to leave. ‘Wait’ I said as I grabbed his hand. ‘I’m sorry, I just don’t know who you are and I don’t remember anything. I just don’t know what to say or do because I am now afraid to hurt the person that remembers me and I don’t remember them. I am sorry.’ I said. Josh shook my hand of his wrist. ‘Well it’s too late for sorry now isn’t it, you can’t take back your words or actions! Those words you said now and earlier will haunt me for the rest of my life. Thanks for saying you Hate me. I love you too.’ He said and he walked out. I went to sleep, I couldn’t handle anyone at the moment. I awoke to my mom sat next to my bed. I had slept for a day and a half. ‘Hello Darling’ Mom said. ‘Hey’ I said back. ‘Well Katie you know we are moving to England. Please don’t over react because we discussed this before the accident. Well your dad has gone over there now to sort the house out and as soon as you are discharged from this place we are moving. You can’t stay here as you don’t know who anyone is and we can have a fresh start in England. Okay?’ Mom said. I nodded. ‘Fine sounds good to me.’ I said. A couple few days passed and I was finally discharged from hospital. Mom, Amelia, Me and Josh went home. Paparazzi followed us. When we got into the house Josh didn’t follow us in. He was yelling at the paparazzi. He was so kind and sensitive. No snap out of it Katie!! I went up to my room and screamed. My room was full of Josh posters! Mom came running up the stairs. ‘Katie are you okay’ Before she could get to the top I yelled. ‘Yeah I am fine mom. It’s just the posters’ I could hear her laugh as she walked away. I carried on packing. I was nearly onto the last box when someone put the hands around my waist. Josh. It felt normal but then I shook him off. He looked embarrassed. ‘Oh Yeah I am sorry, you don’t remember me.’ He replied. He was about to turn round when I kissed him. I don’t know why, my body just had too. We kissed forever. It was amazing. But I still didn’t remember him. Josh pulled away. ‘What was that for?’ He asked. ‘I don’t know, my body told me to so I did. Just because my brain doesn’t remember you doesn’t mean my body doesn’t.’ I smiled and so did Josh. ‘Katie I will see you later, I need to have a shower and eat because your flight is In a few hours and I want to be there.’ I nodded and he left. I heard the front door slam . I sunk to my knees and sobbed. ‘WHY CANT I REMEMBER HIM!!’ I yelled. While crying I finished packing. 6 boxes. My whole life was in those 6 boxes. I found my phone on my bedside table. I had 15 messages and 3 missed calls. My wallpaper was me and Josh. He was everywhere. Haunting me. All the messages were something like ‘Get well soon’ or ‘Hope you recover soon’ and stuff like that, but the last one I read was different. It was from a girl called Veronika. ‘Hey Katie. We haven’t spoken in ages, well me and Avan are packing up and moving to England. I am sorry we couldn’t say bye as we didn’t have time to catch you when you were free. But hope to see you soon hope all is well. I love you Best friend.’ I began to cry. Who was this girl? Whoever she was, she had an effect on me. The text was sent 3 weeks ago. Probably the day of the accident. I replied. ‘Hey Veronika. Urmm all is Kind of well. I was in a car accident and don’t remember anyone. I’m sorry. I am moving to England too?!?! So stay in contact yeah? My flights in a few hours so see you soon.’ I didn’t want to tell her anything over text because I don’t know her. Avan the name Avan rang a bell. I searched through my boxes. FOUND IT! The magazines of me and Josh. There was an article about my birthday party, in it. I was hugging Avan outside. I cried even more. Josh truly loved me and I treated him like a piece of dirt. ‘Katie! Trucks here to get our stuff you ready?’ She yelled up. ‘YEAH MOM!’ I yelled down. I too the magazines out of the box and put them in my hand luggage so I could read them on the plane. I had my clothes for the flight laid out on my bed. Two large men with big frames walked into my room. I pointed at the boxes, grabbed my phone and left the room. I went to the fridge and ate some food. When the men were done I went into the shower. I walked past the mirror and froze. A tattoo! WHAT! Why! Something was coming back to me! I had always wanted believe on my right rib cage. I smiled it looked pretty. I had lost abit of weight so it looked better than what it did when I was abit chubbier. I got in the shower. When I was done I blow dried my hair straightened it and got dressed.  I grabbed my luggage from my room and as I started to wheel it out of my room I began to sob. My room was bare. My whole life was lived in there. I slammed the door shut, I couldn’t look any longer I wanted to go. I walked down stairs. Josh was talking to my mom. ‘oh hello darling’ Mom said, in a way that it sounded like she was caught doing something that wasn’t meant to be done. ‘Are you okay?’ Josh asked. I nodded. ‘Are we going then?’ I asked spitefully. ‘Yeah give me your suitcase a-a-n-n-d-d’ Josh said as he leaned into get my suitcase. ‘NO! I will do it myself thanks.’ I walked to the trunk of a car. I realised it was Josh’s car. I slammed my suitcase in and got into the right side of the car next to Amelia. ‘Aren’t you sitting in the front?’ Mom asked. ‘No!’ I said back. I could see Josh locking the front door. He slammed the trunk shut and got into the driver’s seat. I saw mom mouthing something to Josh. Typical, she is siding with him. He could have killed me. We pulled up outside the airport and walked in. I began to cry. Josh grabbed my hand. I pulled away. ‘Katie we have to hold hands, the paparazzi think we are engaged. We need to do this, and carry up this act till you are in England. Okay?’ I nodded and grabbed Josh’s hand. Paparazzi were questioning us all the time. ‘Just smiled and ignore them’ Josh said. ‘Okay’ I whispered back. Mom checked us in while Josh took Amelia to the store to buy some sweets when a man approached me. ‘Hello, are you Katie Smith?’ He asked. I nodded. ‘Oh well I need you to come with me safety reasons’ He held onto my wrist and dragged me into a dark room. Suddenly a light flashed on, on the left side of the wall revealing a picture of me and Josh. The next picture revealed was on the right side, It was a picture of me Veronika and Avan. Pictures kept popping up down the whole length of the room. I walked through till the last light revealed a door. I opened it. There was a book. With a single light over the top. It read ‘KATIE’S LIFE’ I smiled. I opened it and looked at all the pictures. When I shut the book all the lights turned on in the room and Josh, Amelia and Mom were stood there. ‘Did you do this for me?’ I asked, No one said anything. ‘I did it.’ Josh said. I ran and hugged him.

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now