Just A Shade Darker

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                                                                                          9 years ago

It's been a few months after the incident with the cheating girl at Lez Be, and the phone call with Andre. I hadn't spoken to him or Jasmine. I moved out of the apartment with my roommate and into a different apartment further away. This time with another roommate. She was a yoga instructor name Leah. She was 5'10 and thick luscious legs.She had short asymmetrical curly hair and brown eyes that could pull anyone in. I'm not into yoga, but I definitely would take a class or two for her. 

And I did. 

One day she came in the kitchen while I was making breakfast in nothing but her underwear. 

"Good morning! so... wanna come to class with me?"


"Oh come on, it's not that bad, plus all you do is work and come home. I've never seen you do much else."

I tried to concentrate on what she was saying but her curves were very distracting. She was a yoga instructor, but she definitely had a dancers body: Long legs, defined arms, and an hour glass small waist.

"I do other things."

"Okay, so you cook...what else?"

"You're not making me want to go much more by criticizing me."

"Come on please..."


"Great. class starts in 45minutes. So hurry up!"She says as she smacks me on the ass and zooms off to get dress. 

She yells from her room. "Wear something light!"

She noticed that I am always wearing hoodies. So I get that, however she should have told me that not only was she a yoga instructor she was a HOT yoga instructor.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me this was Hot yoga?" The room was 85 degrees minimum and then when in the middle of the class they turn it up to 90 degrees. Thankfully she gave me one of her mats to do it on, because I didn't want to grab one of the ones from the gym. They tend to not be as clean and they always smell. 

When class is over she tells everyone. 

"Great class see you all next time. "

She looks at me and says

"Come here baby, help me stretch out."

That one word just turned me all the way on.  She sat in a straddle, and told me to come forward to the same. She reached her arms out and said 

"Pull me"


Then she did the same for me. As she pulled me I heard my phone ringing in my bag. When I went to pick up my phone I saw a strange number and put it back down. It rang 3 more times then a text message came through. 

"It's me Andre, pick up."

Oh fuck. 

I texted him back and said 

"Kinda busy can I call you later?"

"Where are you ?Your roommate said you moved out wtf  Jade?"

I called him just to tell him that I moved out two months ago, and that I moved an hour away to a more rural part of Georgia. He then asks if he could come over.


"Jade, come on, it's me let me see you."

"Fine, you can come in about an hour."

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