I Do, Do I?

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                                                                                  Present Day

Andre's Perspective:

It  was a long night of drinking for me. I had seen the guy that is now in a relationship with Jade. I know that I fucked up royally with her. Our friendship is gone, and I still have romantic feelings for her. The wedding is in less than a week and I have no idea what the fuck to do. I've been in a relationship with Jasmine for so long it feels like its the right thing to do, but that doesn't mean I should do it. I decided to call my older brother after I had sobered up the next morning. 

"Well isn't this a surprise... haven't heard from you in like...ever"

"It's not been that long."

"Yea right. I shocked just to get an invitation to your wedding. Wassup lil bro?"

"I'm fucked up Jamal."

"Don't tell me theres no wedding to go to now, did you cheat?"

"no...well...not this time.. no I'm just"

"Spit it out nigga"

"Jade isn't coming to the wedding, and I realized last night that I still have feelings for her. Now I'm suppose to get married to Jasmine, and Jade is now dating somebody new."

"Oh shit."

"I'm calling cause I need advice...."

Me and my brother don't speak that often. I see my niece and nephew whenever him and his wife come to town, but otherwise we just stay out of each others way. I don't hate him or anything, but He has it all together and I don't. If it wasn't for my all-star status of basket ball, my parents would've just ignored me all together. 

I could hear the kids in the background running around while his wife gathered them up. He seemed to have moved to a different room because it got more quiet. 

"Look man, you've been with Jasmine for 15 years already. That's gotta stand for something. I mean I was with Janelle for only a year before we married."

" I know, so then why didn't we get married sooner?"

"You tell me."


"I knew it as soon as y'all tried to do that poly shit it was gonna be some trouble. Y'all should've just stayed JUST friends."

"I know, but...I couldn't help myself."

A long pause came and then a sigh.

"Lil bro, you put your feelings a head of everyone else's and sometimes thats necessary. But sometimes it can be just plain selfish. Marrying someone is a big decision. I can see why you would hold off on it for a few years, but you been with Jasmine for 15 years man, at this point either you want to or you really don't and just think/feel you have to. So which is it? Are you marrying Jasmine because she's the one, or is it Jade, or do you just want to be single?"

"I...I don't know..."

"Then you better figure it out before you have to make it down the aisle. Listen man we're coming up anyway for your wedding, so I'm here for ya."

"Thanks man."

"Aight, peace."

Jasmine's Perspective

"You have to call him. Beat down his door. Drag him to the alter if you have to." My sister yelled at him while I held a bottle to my head and cried again. 

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