Chapter Four

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Phil walked back inside the building hoping to calm the wave of emotions that drowneded him. When it didn't work he sighed and drug himself to English where he silently walked in and sat in his chair. Feeling overwhelmed now he flipped his hood over his head and thought about everything he did wrong.

He saw from the corner of his eye that PJ sat next to him. "Phil, need to talk?" PJ asked apprehensive. "No of course not" Phil rolled his eyes facing the blackboard. "Obviously-" Phil fumed turning toward PJ. "You can't fix what is happening with Dan so I suggest you try and leave me alone." Phil crossed his arms. PJ gasped before nodding as he turned back to the board.

Phil shook his head "Mrs, may I go to the restroom please?" Phil asked earning a nod "as you wish" she dismissed him as Phil walked out with his belongings. Phil walked into an unused French classroom. Shrugging he closed the door behind him once he entered. He sat near the window as he watched tree leaves blow harshly across the grass. Phil sat in the dark his gaze not leaving the window as he frowned.

His bottom lip quivered but he bit it back to try to stop it from shaking. His eyes burned as tears tried to escape. He was a human wreck. "Why do I need feelings they are stupid anyway." Phil shook his head again. "I agree" spoke a voice Phil knew quite well. "What do you want Dan? I thought the door was locked?" Dan pulled a paper clip out of his pocket. "I came to apologize okay? Can I do that or is it too confusing?" Dan spoke harshly "sorry, my bad. I'm sorry that I can't just automatically get excited and make out with you like we're deeply in love. We've known each other for like three weeks. If anything I don't know what to say without feeling like a jerk." Dan sat at a desk in the back of the room as he stared stared at the back corner of the room.

"I don't get it" Phil spoke "we were fine like a week ago and now it seems like you don't like me and I'm unable to see that" Phil put his head in his hands.

"Maybe we're better off as friends" Dan spoke not willing to look at Phil. "In that case" Phil got up and walked towards the door. "Just hold on a minute you run away-" Phil glared back at Dan "and as if you haven't hypocritical much Daniel" Phil retorted before slamming the door behind him.

Letters To Mí Amore| Book 2 ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon