Chapter Twenty-Two

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Phil walked through the thick quiet forest with maltesers and other assortments of food. He couldn't wait to see Dan again. He skipped his way to the tree house à smile melted on his face. He figured he would surprise Dan as he crossed the bridge and made his way in the tree house. Upon seeing Dan sleeping curled into himself Phil set the food aside and unzipped his jacket placing it over Dan's ice cold body. Dan nodded his head cozing into Phil's jacket. Phil cooed at Dan before sitting down near the sleeping boy.

He laid next to Dan laying his head on the bean bag chair. Dan giggled causing Phil to look down at him. "You faker!" Phil shouted hurt before he giggled his lips softly connecting to Dan's like a positive and negative charge magnet would. Dan gasped before he pulled Phil down his hand roaming through Phil's black fringe as he savored Phil's kiss as if letting go would make Phil fade away.

"I like you. A lot Philip Michael Lester." Dan mumbled through raspy breaths and flushed rosy cheeks. Phil's laugh vibrated on Dan's lips as he spoke "I like you to Daniel James Howell. A lot." Phil teased but still meant it as he pulled back from Dan. Dan's chocolate gaze grew larger with his pupils. He grinned "so what are we?" Phil felt his heart race as his icy blue eyes dilated. "Dating" Phil declared causing Dan to tackle him. "You mean everything to me Phil I was afraid to tell you about what was scaring me and now I'm no so afraid." Dan's cheeks grew hot as Phil cupped Dan's face "take every second you need I don't mind." Phil pulled Dan against him "your fears make you more human. And it's good to have fears or else you would be not human. Human or not I think we were made to find each other. Whether it was in a stuffy classroom with chipped forest green paint, or in a broken down close to crumbling hallway. Yet you let me in and I'm so proud of you Dan." Phil brushed his lips against Dan's placing a kiss as sweet as honey on his lips.

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