Chapter Five

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Dan sat in the back of the french room writing another note for Phil to eventually read.

Dear Phil,

Look at that I'm writing another letter to express on paper what I don't know how in person. These past three weeks were the best I've had in my eiggteen years of life. I've never laughed as much as I did then. As cliqué as this may sound as we spent more time together my heart grew bigger than when the grinch felt loved. I'm not saying we have to forget what happened between us. I hope you wouldn't cause I haven't. When you kissed me that first time that felt like it was the forth of July in my chest exciting, terrifying my heart was thumping in my throat it still does when I think about it. I'm sorry I said we should just be friends. I can't do that and I don't think you can either. I like you too much and I'm sure you may think the same for me. So with thinking about it now, I would be up for dating you, if you would like.

Sincerely, Dan

Dan sighed setting down his pencil. He opened his backpack and pulled out a purple envelope before folding the letter and setting it inside taping it shut. Dan jumped out of his seat and ran to open the door. "Philip Michael Lester!" He shouted running after the boy. "I have a letter. It's quite important please read it" Dan stopped in front of Phil. "Please" Dan handed over the lilac envelope.

Letters To Mí Amore| Book 2 ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon