Chapter Twenty- Four

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Chris woke up looking around him. He frowned, PJ had asked if he was dating anyone and Chris didn't have the heart to explain he didn't like the idea of relationships. He didn't like how they could begin like magic and end like a grim fairytale. He was happy for PJ and Sophie, he liked seeing them smile around each other but he couldn't feel like there was one true person to spend the rest of eternity with. He knew eternity was a long time and a lot could crumble in that time. He also liked the idea of Dan and Phil being so close. He liked the idea of others around him dating he just didn't see what it was worth if it had to end at sometime.

Sure he was single but he liked it that way he guessed. Yet why did he feel so lonely being single. Maybe it was because he always saw his friends together and he just wanted to hang out with them rather than be a third wheel. Chris stared at the wall deep in thought how could he know who was the one for him. That it was made to go together like peanut butter and jelly. Yeah, he wasn't the most optimistic person but he couldn't escape the fact that he felt left out not finding that one person because how would you know they were real and existed. Sighing, Chris sat up and removed the blanket sat on top of him. He grabbed a pen and paper

'Goodbye PJ, I'm headed back home. Don't worry about me I'm okay we can hang out soon :)'

Setring the paper on the kitchen counter Chris walked out of PJ's house and walked back to his own home.

Letters To Mí Amore| Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now