Chapter Twelve

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Phil tapped his fingers against his leg. "Chris get up" Phil rose to his feet. "What, why?" Chris asked standing up. "I'm driving your car and we're going back to the tree house. No fighting against it either." Phil walked back to Chris's car "at least let me drive." Chris sighed shaking his head as he followed Phil.

Once both boys were in the car Chris shook his head "why do we have to go back?" Chris frowned "don't be like that Chris. You need to confront what is making you feel this way." Chris rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath "yeah PJ is making me feel upset" he started the car and drove off.

*at the tree house*

Phil sat in the passengers seat watching Chris. "Now or never" he responded "thanks I'll take never. Now that that is settled I'll just leave now." Phil blinked astounded by Chris's behavior. "Do I have to call PJ?" Phil asked pulling out his phone. Chris didn't answer but crossed his arms. Phil sighed "fine. Im calling PJ" Phil dialed PJ's number.

"Hey, yeah Phil what's up?" PJ asked sitting reverse crisscross. "Chris would like to talk to you about something." Phil turned toward Chris raising his eyebrow. Chris rolled his eyes "is Sophie there?" He asked bitterly. PJ looked at his shoes "no why? She went with Dan to the store." Chris shook his head PJ gasped over the phone. "You're jealous?" He asked Chris sighed "of course I am! I thought we were friends and then you started spending a lot of time with Sophie. How was I supposed to feel?" Chris looked out his window.

"I'm sorry, I never meant for you to feel hurt by my actions. Where are you, I can explain?" PJ looked out the tree house window spotting Chris's car. "I'll come up then" Chris spoke letting Phil end the car.

Chris opened his door and ran to the tree house. He crossed the bridge and climbed up the ladder. "Chris" PJ nodded watching as Chris sat in a blue bean bag chair. "So?" PJ sat playing with his hands. "Why did we have to drift apart? Was it something I did? Is it because I'm single?" Chris looked up at PJ.

PJ shook his head "no Chris... I just when I met Sophie she seemed like such a cool person and I know that I should have put you first before my relationship and I'm sorry I want you to know that Sophie and I weren't dating. We were just talking. You are my friend and that means a lot to me and I don't want to lose you over another person." PJ frowned looking at Chris.

Chris nodded "I forgive you" Chris broke the silence.

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