Chapter 17: Friends

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Watching the old man tossing bills at me was hilariously uncomfortable, and it became even more wild when Cleo came in with a 'make it rain' gun that literally shot dollar bills like a bubble gun would. I was having a blast, mostly because it was all the people I knew making it feel completely fun.

I held my hat and spiraled down the pole before staring at Damien who was sitting back with his drink, trying not to seem too engulfed in it. I tipped my hat to him and he smirked tipping an invisible hat back. Cerberus was howling and making it even better, I mean it was literally too comical to explain.

Unlike last nights dance that was purely seductive and sensual, tonight's was more wild fun and lacking that sensuality. I finished my shift and had my bills collected before they were brought to my small vanity. I pulled on the shorts and tank top, adding the coat and my shoes before going out the place with my purse of cash.

Cleo tossed her arm over my shoulder, "What a fucking babe!?" she said placing a shot in my hand, I took it and handed her the empty glass, "Thank you guys for coming." I took the other shot Nathan held out to me. They both laughed "Duh" they replied.

A hand ran over my arm and I looked to the ladies man himself, he smiled widely, "You're talented Bella," He said proudly, and it was a bit humorous, his pride in who I am now. I smiled at him and then over at Damien who smirked softly to me, "Ready to go eat?" he asked looking me over.

Yes! Please!

I nodded and Cleo gave Damien a careful stare, "Can we crash and join?" She asked, taking Damien off guard, he gave a nod, "Please do." He replied politely, which took her by surprise.

We all headed out and I walked with Cerberus to the truck while we cramped into his truck putting Cleo's skates and Nathan's skateboard in the back. Cerberus sat between my legs while I sat between Nathan and Cleo in the back.

"You were remarkable babe! Absolutely remarkable. I totally caught on all those ballet moves you snuck in there." Cleo said smirking at me.

I remember she used to go to my ballet recitals with me, way back when.

Nathan looked down at Cerberus, "Is he always with you?" He asked Damien who glanced back at Nathan and then Cerbs, "When I can pull him from Bella." He said smirking at me softly through the rear view mirror.

I stared down at Cerberus who's head laid on my thigh staring at Cleo softly. She slowly lifted a hand and pet him while he licked her hand and enjoyed her head scratches.

"Let's go to Lucio's." Mr. Coleson said looking to Damien who gave a nod. Lucios is a very expensive and fine dining Italian restaurant. They have the best meals, and often times we just go once a year.

Cleo gave me a wide eyed stare mouthing 'Lucio's?' And I shrugged softly.

As Damien parked the truck, we all got out and Mr. Coleson looked to Cleo, "Dear, I am having a birthday party this weekend. I'd love for you and Nathan to join. Give Bella some friendly company." He said the last part quietly as Cerberus stayed in the truck getting comfortable in the back seat.

I gave him a kiss on the nose before heading toward the group, Damien was lingering behind watching me over. "You're not going to lock the truck?" I asked as he turned to go inside with me.

His grin was subtle but he gave me a soft glance over, "He's a hellhound Darling, it's a death wish for anyone." He reassured me but his little nickname, that 'darling' killed me inside.

Hi, my names Bella and I'm an idiot for a hot guy with cute nicknames.

Damien took a seat beside me and I was given a menu, thanking the waitress. She was a total punk rocker girl, absolutely Damiens type, (from what I can guess).

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