Chapter 5: Confrontation

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{Brie's POV}

When we arrived at Oliver's house, we met him in the garage at the back of the house working on the old truck. He grunted with effort as he struggled with something under the truck.

"Hey, Oliver!" Elaine yelled, announcing our arrival. The busy mechanic was startled and hit his head against the hard floor.

"Fuck!" He cursed in anger of his misfortune.

"How's it going?" Elaine asked with her hands at akimbo as she studied Oliver.

"It was going great until you showed up" he spat in frustration.

"Ouch!" I remarked. Elaine turned to me with a raised left eyebrow. I guess she didn't see that coming but there I was standing in front of the garage with folded hands and a knowing smile. She smiled back and turned back to Oliver.

"I'll be inside" I announced as I headed back inside the house. When I got inside the house, I grabbed my towel and some clothes from my bag. I really needed a cold bath.

I turned on shower and the cold water splashed against my skin. I shuddered as the cold water bit hard into my skin. As the water trickled down my body, I felt a sudden peace inside of me. The water seemed to blocked out all my worries. I stayed in the bathroom until I heard Elaine's voice in the living room. I stepped out of the shower and wore my new clothes then I headed to the living room.

"What happened to our dream, Elaine?" I heard Oliver ask Elaine, who seemed to ignore him. I stood behind the door, eavesdropping on their conversation. I was certain that they would change the topic if they saw me.

"We were supposed to rich by now. We were supposed to be reputable scientists by now. Hell, I should probably be running my own successful business by now" Oliver continued.

"Oliver, you need to forget about that" Elaine responded.

"No! Take a look at me. I'm a fucking mechanic. What happened to our dream!" He bellowed in frustration.

"Edgar! That son of a bitch is the reason we're like this!" She retorted. My heart sunk. I wanted to jump out and scream at her but I needed to understand what she meant.

"What? That is not enough reason. He chose his path"

"But Lynn doesn't think so. She believes I'm the reason he disappeared. I promised her that I won't let him do something stupid"

"Edgar was driven by his obsession and that is nobody's fault. Not mine, not yours" Oliver said. I had heard enough. My heart was racing as rage swelled inside me. I finally got to hear the truth about my father.

"What do you mean he disappeared?" I asked, stepping into the room to the shock of both Elaine and Oliver. Elaine stared at me for a few seconds before living the room.

"You owe me answers!" I yelled as I trailed behind Elaine.

"Brie!" Oliver bellowed and I halted abruptly, watching the gloomy Elaine walk away.

"Take a seat" he said to me with a stern look. I obeyed, hoping that he would give me the answers I wanted. I was going to sit there if he wasn't going to tell me what I wanted to hear.

"I'll tell everything you need to know" he said. I must admit I was shocked, although that was the only thing I wanted to hear. I was still shocked to hear it.

"So what did she mean by my father disappearing?" I asked, hiding my surprise. He heaved an exhausted sigh before speaking.

"Your father and Elaine were working on a project. The phantom frequency project. Your father began to explore an alternate dimension until he became obsessed with it. On his first expedition with Elaine, they were attacked. They barely made it out of there. Elaine advised your father against going in again but he was adamant on returning. When he went in, he never came back. We lost contact with him. After many weeks of searching for him, we gave up and Elaine shut down the project"

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