Chapter 14: Ambush

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{Elaine's POV}

As if the worry of my injured ribs wasn't enough. I now had to decide if I should go on an uncertain mission into the past. I might be crazy enough to pull off a lot of stunts but searching for a teenage girl back in time was entirely out of it.

I sat on the couch with my head buried in my arms. I couldn't think of anything other than going into the past. Eugene and Chelsea stood around, staring at me like I was about to pour out a wonderful solution but I just as blank as the duo. As I struggled to think, I couldn't help but remember the harsh tone in Lynn's voice when she saw me with her daughter. I couldn't help but feel like she had foreseen the danger that hovered over Brie when she was around me.

"Elaine?" Chelsea called out to me in a rather subtle tone. I raised my head to see her pitiful eyes that aggravated how pathetic I looked.

"How about I go in instead?" Chelsea asked. I couldn't help but admire her boldness and courage, yet I couldn't let her go in.

"No! I'm making up a plan" I blurted.

"You've been making a plan for almost two days now" Chelsea retorted.

"You think I can't just jump into the past and start yelling out her name in the streets" I yelled angrily. Chelsea's frown melted into remorse and she took a seat opposite me.

"I'm sorry" she apologized.

"Don't worry about it" I replied before letting out an exhausted sigh, trying to calm myself. I could Eugene's footsteps getting closer to me.

"Elaine?" He called out to me. I turned and he signalled me to follow him. I followed him and led us to his rusty old van at the back of the warehouse. We sat in the car staring at the bushes before us for a few seconds.

"You still smoke?" Eugene asked as he withdrew a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket.

"Every now and then" I replied as I stretched out my hand to collect a cigarette from the pack. He chuckled before lighting the cigarette. I took a long swig before relaxing into the chair.

"So why did you go after the girl?" Eugene asked as he let out a puff of smoke.

"Those fucking aliens" I simply blurted.

"Hmm... Did Lynn know you're hanging out with her daughter?" The question continued.

"Yeah, she was furious when we visited until a phantom showed up" I replied again with a chuckle.

"A phantom?"

"Damn thing almost gave Lynn a heart attack" I continued.

"So what exactly are planning to do about Brie?" Eugene finally asked the big question.

"I think I might just pull off my craziest stunt yet" I said.

"You should. Brie is your responsibility" Eugene said as he turned to face me.

I chuckled. "Good talk, now I gotta go save a teenage girl" I replied but before I could turn to open the door, Chelsea suddenly began banging at Eugene's side of the window. We jumped in our seats like sneaky teenagers.

"Brie is back!" Chelsea chanted with a big smile. We both rushed out of the car and headed back to the warehouse. When we got to the front of the warehouse, we found Brie swinging a spanner at three angry phantoms.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I rushed for Chelsea's ammunition bag. As I ran, I caught the attention of one of the phantoms. It leapt into the air towards my direction.

"Elaine, Watch out!" Chelsea exclaimed.

Before I could turn to see the incoming danger, the phantom toppled me to ground. It laid over me, snarling in my face. Chelsea rushed at it but was quickly intercepted by another phantom which punched her in the face. I grabbed the neck of the phantom over me and head-butted it. It crawled away from me with a screech.

As I rushed for the bag, I could see a phantom pinning Brie to the ground as she struggled to reach for the spanner. I could see Eugene rolling on the ground with a bleeding nose and Chelsea had smashed her knuckles into a phantom's jaw. At least she was the only one who could handle herself. Even with the phantom on my tail, I couldn't help but smirk at the way Chelsea whooped the phantom's ass. Once I grabbed the bag, I spun around and slammed it into the phantom's grotesque face, sending it to the ground.

I grabbed a gun and a magazine but as I tried loading it the phantom jumped back to its feet. I quickly reached for a mug and smashed it against its head. It staggered backwards and I loaded the gun. Once it had recovered its composure, I had the gun's barrel pointing at its skull and with a big smirk, I pulled the trigger. Before the phantom hit the ground, I already had the attention of all the phantoms in the warehouse.

Luckily, Chelsea was pummeling one of the phantoms and the one that had been pinning Brie rushed at me. I took a deep breath as I watched the vicious creature lurch towards me. When it got close enough, I pulled the trigger again. It fell with a hard thud. I turned towards the Chelsea but the phantom with her had already gone unconscious.

"Damn! That was one hell of an ass-whooping" I said before shooting the phantom in the head. I turned towards Brie who was walking towards me with a bowed head.

"You really got a lot of attention from where you were coming from" I said, trying to hide my swelling rage. She glanced at me and turned her head back to the ground. She must have guessed that I was really mad and she was so right.

"We need to get out of here before he comes" Eugene said.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"The Big One" Eugene replied.

"Who's the Big One?" I said again.

"I can't believe you girls haven't seen him. We need to get the hell out of here" Eugene said.

"What the hell are you talk-" I began but was interrupted by the banging over the roof.

"Shit! Run!" Eugene yelled.

We rushed out of the warehouse and looked up the roof. I stared in awe at the humongous creature standing on the roof. Its piercing screech rang across the woods and sent shivers down my spine.

"Run!" I yelled and took off. Everyone trailed behind me as I drew out my car key. The car was a few metres away but with creature screeching behind us, it felt like the car was a mile away. I hurriedly opened the car and jumped in. Before I could start the car, everyone had already secured seats in the car.

"Go! Go! Go!" Eugene yelled. As the car took off, I could hear the claws of the phantom scratch the trunk. I was certain it would leave a huge mark. Surprisingly it didn't chase us. We all let out a deep breath once the phantom was out of sight. Soon we had entered the main road.

"What the hell was that?" Chelsea asked.

"That was the Big One" Eugene answered. "How come you girls never came across it?"

"Maybe that's why we are still alive" I said. Everyone except Brie chuckled. Surely I wasn't expecting her to chuckle either. Not after her stunt back at the warehouse.

"Where do we go now?" Brie asked.

"I know a-" Eugene said but was interrupted by Chelsea's scream.

"Elaine, watch out!" Chelsea yelled.

Those were the last words I heard before the blinding light that came from the left side of the car where I sat. I heard the shattering of glass and it seemed like the car had flown into the air, then everything went black.

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