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After seeing off Jojo ,Sidharth asked shenaaz to get inside the car .and ordered Mr.Secretary to book two earliest flight for Mumbai
His sole reason to visit chandigarh was to persuade his mother and that was successfully done .There wasn’t anything left here. It was now time to go back  and reclaim his territory again ,it was very long since his kingdom was without THE king .
And ,Yes Mr. secretary today I will be driving, as you have to visit  shenaaz’s orphanage from my behalf . And remember it was you who made the donation do you get it ?
Also The Swoon foundation will be officially adopting all the children in the orphanage .So make sure that you inform the orphanage incharge of the benefis they will be getting . if everything is clear ,then stop staring me and run ,complete the work assigned ?
Mr Secretary while looking at Sidharth,“Sir , I am not staring ,I am admiring you ,I love you sir !”
Sidharth , “do you have a death wish !Get away from here !!
Mr. secretary as told left to complete his work ,and sidharth sat in driver’s seat .
Shenaaz – what are you doing ? where is Vishal ?
Sidharth – Can’t you see I am going to  drive . Don’t get scared I can drive too .And  come sit beside me …..I am not your driver .
Shenaaz –I  don’t  want you to be one . I won’t be able to tolerate such an arrogant ,rude ,and bitchy driver .
Sidharth – Don’t you think ,the adjective you are using to describe your husband isn’t sounding very good .
Shenaaz (again run her mouth without thinking and making the atm. more awkward )-Don’t you think what you did to me in PARKING LOT was also not very good thing to do .
Sidharth – What ?The kiss ? why was it not good ……I mean you are my wife ,and BABYY! don’t lie you were enjoying it too,otherwise why you would have sucked my soul out of me .(Sarcastically)
Even though shenaaz didn’t believe in love,but kissing sidharth was her body’s reaction which she wasn’t able to control .She was somewhat stuck between whether to hold onto the love she was getting from sidharth or to run away ,so as to  prevent herself from the pain which she might experience if he leaves her .Her actions were contradicting her own thoughts ,her mind would always go numb whenever she would be around him .
Shenaaz was reluctant to  accept the change in her feelings and it would be understatement to say that she was very pissed on herself for behving this way .Her life by now ,has turned into a topsy turvy .
Shenaaz –Naah ! It wasn’t very good .I mean you are not very good in it . I think you need to praactice more .
Sidharth – Are you talking about my kissing skills ! I am 100 percent sure it was your first time . baby ! you really have no idea ,that how girls are crazy about me .It’s ohk ! You can see it yourself when  we will go to mumbai .
Shenaaz – I don’t want to …..wait ! are you saying we are  going  to Mumbai  .When ….why so early ? I mean I still have somethings to do here .
Shenaaz was bit hesitant …..for her it was bit too early to leave her abode which she was grown in .And it was very well known by her that once she leaves punjab ,she won’t be coming here any sooner ,…..because there was noone here to whom she can return to  .She was’t mentally prepared to leave so early .
Sidharth –Our flight is day after tommorow . As a C.E.O I need to be there ,company  has recently gone  through so much .There are still somethings left to do and I have asked Vishal to handle all your document procedures regarding your academics so no need to worry about that . If you still  have something to do, please try to pre-pone it . And yes leaving you here alone, is out of question .So don’t even think of it .
Sidharth was very serious and even shenaaz knew what the company was going through ,so she couldn’t insist him to not go .
Shenaazz – Alright ! I understand your situation , if that’s the case just drop me to my hostel .I want to spend my remaining time with my best friends .And I will meet you on the day of our departure .
Sidharth was very hurt it was first day of their marriage .She was his official wife ,he was’t expecting any confession from her  but atleast she could acknowledge the relationship .He was very angry and hurt that how she can so casually ignore whatever happened between them .
Sidharth – Shenaaz ! Do you have any problem with me ?Whenever, I take a step forward and think that may be we are gettting closer  and may be we can be more than friends ,you just pull away .We are married ,it is the very first day of our marriage ,tell me what part of it you didn’t understand .
I am not saying I am going to do it , but trust me there is a long line of models ,actresses who would be happily be my mistress let alone be my wife . I am not boasting but don’t take me lightly you might regret letting me go one day .
And yes I know who your so called best friends are . Do you want to see them ,in the same state as choco ?
Shenaaz wasn’t very much surprised with what Sidharth said .She knew ,she is just an option for him, that’s why she was maintaining distance from him  .And somewhere she knew how much power he holds ,it’s not much difficult for him to destroyzthem . She thought that, “ it was not  her choice to be in the marriage but she can definitely choose what she wants to do in her life and will not allow anyone to use her and throw away when not needed”,that’s what her mind was saying to her .
But her heart  somewhere  wanted to assure sidharth that he don’t need to  get insecure from her friends .She wanted to hold his hands and say that you will be the only one for me in this lifetime .
But still, acknowledging her feelings! speaking it aloud ! was she ready to do it ? and once again in the moment to decide whether she should listen to her heart or to her mind ,she did what she is great at……. ‘SYAPPA’.
Shenaaz – You know what sidharth ! About keeping a mistress,I know very well that in your eyes my value is even less than that .But believe me ……I am not someone who can be controlled .I have been friends with my  boy gang  for almost 4 years they have been their for me ,when I needed support .To me, yes ….they are more than friends…they are my family .Just because you don’t understand our bond that doesn’t mean you can ridicule  our friendship .
I will give you  a free advice , “just for once try to think about others .I am indeed married to you but I have a personal life too ,before meeting you…..there were people in my life who stood by me ,I can’t just throw them away. If you are afraid that I will betray you ,then …
Before shenaaz could complete her sentence sidharth cut her sentence mid way and said , “ if you really think that your value in my eyes is less than a mistress then I don’t really know what I was doing for these four  weeks .  I  am exausted shenaaz and I am tired of this push and pull game .”
. He was jealous somewhere but he was more concerned about shenaaz .Jojo had already instructed him about indi . He just wanted her to be  safe. Men can really be dangerous ,you never know what they might  be hidig behind their innocent façade . But shenaaz wasn’t even ready to listen what he wanted to say and was just taking his every statement against her .she was making him feel that he was forcing her. But he can’t just allow her to walk in darkness knowing what dangers the darkness is masking .
He took a deep breath ,calmed himself down , and told himself , “shenaaz kaur gill ,now I won’t allow you to hurt me .Now it’s time, I should stop giving you the different treatement . If you really think that I fall in love with every other girl  I meet and treat them in the  same way .I will show you ,how I am with women other than shenaaz kaur gill .You are going to suffer a bit .It’s going to be you this time ,to come to me .”
He turned the car and without uttering any word he drove to her hostel . 
Shenaaz was surprised that, why he didn’t argue ,and just agreed this easily .But she thought ,that it’s what she wanted so ……this should be fine .Maybe Mr. hulk understood her .
He suddenly pulled the break ,asked shenaaz with a poker face , to get down and sternly instructed her , “ Ms. Gill don’t be late ! I am really punctual and hope you have great time with your best friends ,but just don’t get into a mess that I won’t be able to clean up.”
Shenaaz – Yes , Mr.shukla I will be on time .And you know what ,you sounded so rude right now .I really don’t want to argue with  you sidharth why you ar ebeing so cold ?
Sidharth – Shenaaz ! I am just doing what you want . I think ,you were totally right ,lets not hurt each other and give each other space .This marriage is only on papers ,I think I really took it very seriously .Anyway Ms. Gill just pardon me , if I have crossed the line .Hope you have a great married first night with your so called friends.
While he was talking he received call of Mr.Secretary , “ Sir , what you said has been done .Do you want me to book a hotel for you and shenaaz for your wedding night ?”
Sidharth –“  Very good ,and yes do book the hotel room and please , book a couple suite and make sure to ask the female  I last met in chandigarh flight ,to be there . I will be waiting for her!”
Sidharth knew that this time its definitely not him ,who will come forward but this little kitten .
Shenaaz –You too Mr. shukla I hope you , you have good night with your friend too .( just note the sarcasm  here )
Shenaaz was hurt but somehow she convinced herself that yes ! the marriage is for namesake only.Evrything is fine.  To her it doen’t matter if he  have an affair outside the marriage ,but she won’t make the  fun of her marriage in the same way as that idiot shukla ,That stupid donkey -monkey .
Shenaaz left  looking extremely jealous and sidharth smirked , “the game has just began , you have to pay ,for making me jealous Ms. Gill. This time I m not going to get lenient on you .”
Sidharth saw shenaaz leaving,and he immedietly called his main bodyguard and ordered him to immedietly send his bodyguard team to guard shenaaz . He strictly ordered them to never get caught while guarding shenaaz .
Even though he was angry at her but he couldn’t risk her security ,he couldn’t trust anyone beside his bodyguard team.
After he ended his conversation with the whole team ,He got a call from Mr. secretary ,who was continously callling him even after rejecting his calls several times ,by now sidharth was irritated and  finally he picked the call .
Mr.secretary – Sir ,the female ,whom you last met in the flight is waiting for you in the hotel lobby .But can you rush here ! she has her appointement at 9:00 pm with vetenary doctor .
Sidharth – What are you saying ? Who is waiting in hotel lobby and why ???
Mr.secretary-Sir didn’t you asked me to arrange a meeting with the female you last met .So she is here ,sir she is very cute and  if you wanted to cuddle  with a DOG ,we could have adopted one .Why bother playing with other’s dog and on top of that booking a couple suite for that .
Sidharth just couldn’t control himself and addressed his secretary with his first name , “Vishaal sach sach bata …..How did you managed to survive in  this business world with your brain .Please ! I really wanna know that . I can’t even fire you on the basis of THIS incident .It will just make me  a laughing stock .My god Vishaal can you please ! stop following my orders word to word and use your own brain”.
Mr. secretary answered without being flustered ,he was definitely surprised when his boss called his first name but was still unaware that why the hell was he behaving this way .
Nonethless ,he replied , “ Alright sir ,so what you want me to do ?”.
Sidharth –please kindly ask the owner and the dog to leave and You should also relax ,it must be difficult for you too To arrange THE FEMALE I MET IN FLIGHT TO COME TO MY HOTEL .
Mr.Secretary- No sir, nothing is difficult for me .It’s my job to follow your orders .  so, I will take my leave. I hope you have a good night and sleep tight .
The call ended and sidharth decided to go to his mom’s place . today was indeed a long day .So much happened in a blink .
It was very difficult for him to be away from shenaaz ,he thought distances between them would get reduced after the parking area incident ,but he was wrong .
It was not easy for him to hurt shenaaz ,to give her cold shoulder and behave rudely to her…..but he have to do something to make shenaaz realise ,he  can’t keep going with his pursuit , if she wasn’t willing to reciprocate his feelings .
The man known for his discrete and logical descisions ,was in a utter state of confusion ,he asked to himself , “what have you done to me Shenaaz kaur gill , I like you .I don’t ask you to reciprocate the feeling .All I ask you is to respect what I feel .
Because falling for you was never something I planned .”

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