CHAPTER 12 -A beautifull GOODBYE

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Shenaaz woke up with a big headache, It was 11 a.m. , and she was totally clueless about her enviornment .
But the biggest thing which shocked her was -
Mr . shukla got her some lemon juice with chicken soup ,that was a bit bland …..but wait why was this happening . Did something good happened yesterday night ?
Yesterday night ? what the hell was she doing in jojo’s apartement ? she was partying with the the gang wasn’t she ?
While she was sipping on the lemon juice ,suddenly the flashbacks of all the kaand from club until reaching  the apartement was crystal clear in front of her .She was utterly shocked for nanoseconds ,but for the sake of saving her face she decide to pretend to have a blackout and masked her shocked  reaction with calmness .
If sidharth would ask anything she would just pretend that nothing happened .
Sidharth silently came…,took the food tray from shenaaz and said , “I hope you are feeling well . I have asked Vishal to bring your bags here .We will go to the airport together . I have hired a designer for you ,from now on she will decide what you will wear , a nutritionist will be 24*7 available for you to manage your diet . and here take this credit card ,this has no limit, use it while shopping or anything. And one more thing while going out  alone ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT  , try to wear  something that covers you .You are  first time offender so I won’t punish you, but don’t do that again .And your nonchantlant mode tells me you remember every single thing from yesterday night. That was a great show Mrs.Shukla .So stop pretending .”
Shenaaz was just so flustered ,this narcissit never leaves a chance to embaress her .His aura really intimidates her .He is such a control freak . Should I run away from him ?
SIDHARTH – I can find you anywhere Shenaaz .You can’t hide from me .Dream on ! Mrs shukla .You are stuck with me till death do us apart .Wipe of your drool and go change  your clothes immediately we have to go somewhere and then we will leave for  the flight .
Shenaaz –ha ha ! what a  joke . Here ! take back your credit card .I have my savings .I don’t need it .and don’t try to monopolise me .I think about my dressing sense and eating habit they are just fine .No need to hire professionals and waste your money on me .You must have thousands of lovers ,you should spend your money on them .
Sidharth softly replied , “ Shenaaz in my life at present there is only you .You are are the one who holds the title of Mrs shukla, so you have to behave accordingly .  About the cards and all, It was your Jojo’s idea so you can talk to her if you want to disappoint her .and yes she reached London and called me .She also wanted to talk to you but you were sleeping ,so she told me to let you sleep more .”
     Shenaaz – why you didn’t inform me earlier ,Let me call     her ,first .
Shenaaz dialled jojo’s no. ,and jojo picked her call ..they both didn’t talk for few minutes .
In between sidharth commented ,guys you have to talk to let us hear some gossip .Yei konsi code language mei baat chal rahi hai ?
Jojo broke the silence , “ Shenaaz ,mera bachha kaisa hai ? mainei bahut miss kiya tumhei .and how was your first night ?
Shenaaz –I missed you too jojo ! About that (first night ) there is nothing special to tell .we are taking our relationship slowly .
Jojo – I know about you shenaaz very well .When you convinced me about your marriage with Sidharth ,I knew you must have known something or their must be some compromise ,but I choose to be silent because  I knew that whatever is the reason behind your and sidharth’s decision ,you both are perfect for each other .I know , I might sound selfish but my life is not long enough ,I really wanted you to let go of your past and learn to move forward .Shenaaz when there is someone who is loving us ,we should grasp the person with our all might Instead of running away from the fear of getting heart .I think it’s time now shenaaz ,forget your PAST ,forget HIM ,not every person is same .Give your relationship a chance not for anyone’s sake but for yourself .Are you listening to me shenaaz ?
A great tremor overtook her (shenaaz) ,tightening of throat and a short intake of breath , tears rolled doen her cheeks .
In a rusty voice , “ I will try jojo ! I will try to not runaway this time .I will try to hold it .Jojo I am hanging up I have to go .Take your medicine on time and be strong .Sorry I can’t be there for you .”
Jojo knew that she wass crying ,but she thought that it is best for shenaaz to sought her emotions ,she can’t always be like this .She need to learn to rely on someone other than herself .
Jojo replied , “ I will shenaaz .Sure have a good day .And don’t forget to take your earplugs for the flight .”
Shenaaz cut the call and ran towards the bathroom .She opened the shower and somewhere in the water running down , the sound which she wasn’t comfortable to let out was succesfully covered .    
After letting her tears out ,she was all set to start her new journey .She thought to herself “I will try .”
Here take this ice and rub it on your eyey and cheeks they are swollen like a potato .Sidharth who seemed to be concenred gave the ice cube to shenaaz.
Shenaaz just silently took the cubes and started rubbing it all over the face .
Shenaaz – So where are we going ? If not neccesary can I directly come to the airport .I don’t feel like going .
Sidharth –No you have to come .Otherwise I wouldn’t have asked you ,with this swollen face of yours .And from now on you are not allowed to drink in my absence .You are such a trouble maker .
He squezed her cheeks and said golgappa come down I am waiting for you.
Shenaaz softly rubbed her cheeks and said , “tu bas mill mujhei shukla ,tera rasgullon ka rass toh mai nikalungi”
Shenaaz immedietly changed her clothes and went to the roadside where sidharth was waiting .
Shenaaz – Ye dekho what you did ? My face is more swollen now .
Sidharth –Does is it make any difference ?Who asked you to drink alcohol if you can’t handle it .
Shenaaz –Ok ! ok ! mai smajh gayi .No need to repeat it like a parrot .aaap kripya apnei kaam par dhyan dei .
Shenaaz had her earpods on while sidharth was still doing his work but amid working he wasn’t leaving a chance to take a glance on his beautiful wife .
All those promises he did to himself to stay away from her, to give her cold shoulders ,to treat her like any other girl were seemed to be failing .Indeed the saying that “you can fool others but can’t fool yourself” is true .
VISHAL – Sir,I think you are very good at multitasking ,while giving his boss a small grin .
Shenaaz was also watching and hearing but wasn’t able to comprehend what he was saying .
Sidharth – I also have the ability to fire while working .Do you wanna see that ? I hope you have compeleted the task I have assigned .
Vishal –No ,Sir I was just praising you .And I have completed the assigned task .
Shenaaz was just going through the business news when she saw an article “The fall of The kapoors”.It clearly stated that how anonymously someone bought all its share by half of it’s original  price . And it’s only heir was behind bar for molestation charges .
She was teriffied .Was really consequence of messing with sidharth shukla can be this big ?
Shenaaz  showed Sidharth the tabloid and said , “ Why did you did this .I could have handled the situation .How were the kapoors were involved in this ? It was their son who did this .”
Sidharth – You are in no position to speak in favour of the kapoors .If I wouldn’t have noticed what was going on the dance stage you would have been …just leave it .Not only kapoors but the whole industry needs to know that it’s not good to touch what’s mine .One more word from your mouth and I would kiss you in front of everyone .If you want my kiss that badly then ,go ahead.
Although the news wasn’t public yet ,but Sidharth shukla made sure that everyone knew who shenaaz was .The photos of their wedding was shared ,to let every single person within the industry know about their wedding and he made sure that the news shouldn’t leak to the media .
Shenaaz – Alrigth, I will stop talking .How childish you are…. I can’t believe it .
Shenaaz  was just blushing so badly .
Vishal informed Sidharth that they have reached their destination.
Sidharth immedietly got out of car and opened the car door for shenaaz .
Shenaaz while looking at him said , “jab jab tunei merei liyei darwaja khola hai …tab ,tera sar ka para bhi badha hai …so I think I have to beware of you .”
While shenaaz was getting down and laughing on her own joke …she saw bunch of kids with familiar faces running towards her .
It was the orphanage kids ,who were all around her .Some were hugging her ,some were kissing her .The scene was so adorable that sidharth ,visshal and the orphanage owner couldn’t resist themselves to admire them.
Vishal interrupted them and said guys I think we all should go inside .It will be more fun in there .
Shenaaz was utterly shocked , she was just frozen on her spot .Was she dreaming .
Vishal – No you are not .All the things are arranged by Boss.And by the way don’t forget to ride on roller coaster ,The only thing which my boss fears .No need , you can thank me later .
Sidharth was on another call ,when shenaaz approached him .He signalled her  to wait .
While he was talking shenaaz was just checking him out from head to toe .
Shenaaz  to herself , “wow ,kya muscles ha ,he looks so handsome while his shades are on ,and in black sweat shirt he looks more sexy.Is he here to flirt around .I will just break his legs if he dares to .”
Sidharth pulled shenaaz very close to him ,under the scorching sun , shenaaz was prespiring more than usual  maybe the closeness was too much to handle for her making her hot …, a drop of sweat reached her lips and before it could go down any further sidharth cleaned it with his own lips  .
“It seems a bit salty” ,Sidharth naughtily said .
Shenaaz –Have you gone nuts! What if anyone notices us .My god! you prevert .
Sidharth –You should have thought about the consequences while you was literally oggling at me .Ofcourse I have to fullfill the desires of my wife .Otherwise I will be an incompetent husband .
Shenaaz – Just stop it .Will you ? Anyway ,I seriously want to thankyou to bring the kids to the amusement park .I would like to pay their ticket fare .I hope you won’t mind .
Sidharth – No ,why would I mind . But there is a problem … I have booked the whole park for today or in future whenever they want to come here they can come .I am not sure if your pocket allows you to pay this much .But you can pay for the lunch if you don’t mind .And I hope you can pay for my lunch as well .
Shenaaz – I was thinking …that why this place was unusually so quite …..I should have guessed .You have this really odd way of spending your money .Lets go ! I will buy you some good food .
Sidharth and shenaaz were just watching everyone enjoying .Shenaaz had tears in her eyes ,she waan’t able to contain her happiness .Sidharth went with children to play with them .
She was observing him with distance ,he was looking so cute while playing with the kids .Without his frown he is just like evrery other guy .He looks more sexy when he is smiling .Will he be same with his own kids ?.....wait ,what the heck you are doing shenaaz ?Family planning  in amusement park …you have gone nuts !
Vishal – Whose family are we talking about ?
Shenaaz – Oh my god ! You might be the cause of my heart attack in future some day ….atleast make some noise to show your prescence .And when are you planning to eavesdropping ?
Vishal – Never ! Ok lets go ..lets go to roller coater ride and then we will leave from here .
Shenaaz – Wait let me call sidharth .Let him come and then we will go together .
Vishal – Dream on ! he won’t come .Lets bet !
Shenaaz – He will .I bet rupees 1000 on this .
Vishal – Ohk ! deal done .You can’t go back on your words .
Shenaaz –Sidhaarth ! let’s ride the roller coaster .
Sidharth – Ohk ! lets go,You sure you are not afraid of it ?
Shenaaz – yeah I will be fine .In low voice agar teri phatt rahi hai toh bata ?
Vishal heard it and lauged while sidharth didn’t hear anything because he was standing bit far .
Both vishal and shenaaz were damn excited to see sidharth screaming ! But ,they hid their happiness .

10 minutes later !
Sidharth was totally fine and well .While Vishal was vomiting continously and shenaaz was rubbing his back
Shenaaz – Weren’t you saying sidharth is afraid of the rides ?He is completely fine .While you scared the shit out of me while screaming .
Vishal – I thought if he can ride ,then I will ride as well .I thougth he was afraid of the rides .last time our client insisted so much but he didn’t agree so I thought he might be afraid of them .
Shenaaz –you are just so helpless .Poor you .Anyway I am going to say goodbye to children ,you go and wash up .
After shenaaz left ,Sidharth came with a medicine and gave it to Mr.secretary and said , “Take this .Have you heard of the phrase you will reap ,what you will sow .So you better watch out ! I am your boss.I heard while you were giving tip to shenaaz .You deserved this .ha ha ha.”
Vishal- Indeed ,you won’t spare anyone .But how did you manage to ride the roller coaster .
Sidharth – Do you really wanna know ,then you have to again ride it with me .Come on I will give you a live demonstration”
Vishal – Sorry sir what you said? Yeah ,I am going to get the car out of the parking area . It’s time for our flight .
Sidharth-Alright , Go ahead .
Sidharth then called shenaaz and asked her to come to mee him at the park exit .
Shenaaz reached their and said won’t  you say goodbye to children ! they seemed to be very fond of you .And it was very unusual of them to like a person with your attitude .
Sidharth – Are you praising me or insulting me .Be clear .and I don’t like saying goodbye .We can come visit them anytime ,when you want .They are just video call away .So why bother saying goodbye .
Shenaaz – You know what ,you are very cute .
Ans  suddenly this time it was shenaaz who took the intiative and gave a peck to sidharth .
They were both staring in each other’s eyes ,Sidharth said it was you who started this ,so you have to take the responsibility and smashed his lips on her .Before the kiss could get more intense ,his phone suddenly rang. Making shenaaz jump in surprise . They both were red like tomatoes .
Sidharth picked the call and said , “You know what ……what happened ?
Mr .Secretary – Sir , we are getting late .We have to check in as well .
Sidharth – You really have no sense of time .I was about to get …….Before he could complete his sentence shenaaz pinched him .
Shenaaz – You are just impossible .Lets just go from here .Even I have lost my mind .
They both went inside the car .While sidharth was still smiling ear to ear .
Vishal – sir ,do we need to go hospital first .You don’t look like your usual self .
Sidharth  while realising how foolishly he was smilling he replied , “ Should I send you there first ?Focus on your driving ?”
They reached the airport.But they weren’t expecting that so much crowd was waiting for them .A bunch of paparazis were there and lots of fans were waiting for him at the airport .
Sidharth immedietly pressed five from his phone and within seconds his whole car was surrounded by bodyguards .He instructed to escort shenaaz safely to the airport .
Shenaaz  was trembling , it was new for her after marriage .Sid held her hand and said , “you don’t need to be nervous .Just put your heads up and walk proudly to the airport and don’t reply if any of the reporters ask any questions ?”
Sidharth went out first ,and then escorted shenaaz out and said smile .They both smiled and gave some pictures to paps .
Everything went smoothly and while they were going .Shenaaz said , “Stop ,you guys are going in wrong direction.we have to check in from other entry if we have to take the flight for Mumbai .”
Sidharth – we are not going from that .We are going to board my favourite jet .I don’t like to travel in crowd .
Shenaaz – Yeah sure .For someone like you who is filthy rich even business class is crowded .Let alone economy class.Anyway if you have told me earlier I would have wore pajama .Why I even bothered to wear these uncomfortable dress .
Sidharth – I thought you were going to tell ….you will dress more elegantly if you were told .You just amaze me with every single chance you get .
Anyway lets go .Lets say our goodbye to Chandigarh ! I hope the next time we come here ,with lots of good memories .

Shenaaz was beaming with happines ,she said , “YES ,Let’s find a GOOD in this GOODBYE, Mr.shukla .”
She grabbed his hand tightly and said this time I am going to hold onto this .Sidharth held her hand and smiled .

While sidharth almost carried shenaaz inside the building .And when he thought shenaaz finally came into senses .He dropped her near the door for few minutes so that he could open the door lock .But when he turned around he found shenaaz missing from the place she was placed in .
She escaped from his hands and woke the whole building while putting on the fire alarm .People were in utter panick, sidharth also reached the lobby while looking for shenaaz and what he saw was an amazing show .There shenaaz was standing with a speaker and said , ‘ Ladies and gentlemen ,I really don’t know why you are here ! but let me tell you .The big tall cute bear ,standing beside you is not my boyfriend but my husband.So ,all the single girls or even married aunty ,don’t dare to flirt with him ….otherwise I will shred you into pieces .Do you get it ! I  will …..before she could complete her sentence she was completely knocked out .Mrs bhalla were laughing and saying how cute shenaaz was .Some single girls who actually tried to flirt with sidharth were too heart broken to say anything .But before anyone could do  any complain sidharth immediately said , sorry for everyone on behalf of shenaaz .The people were quite good and accepted his apology as they were also fond of shenaaz .
Sidharth while lifting her up said , “This girl will not let go any of my day spent in peace .She has pledged to take away my sleep .”
Shenaaz –What did you say my dear husband ? I want a kiss from you …now ?
Sidharth – Shenaaz you are not in your senses .Behave properly don’t challenge my patience .I won’t be able to control myself .
Shenaaz while grabbing his both cheeks from her palm , “ No! I want popo(kiss) right here and now !” she went near Sidharth and before she could kiss him .She just vomitted all over him .And was again knocked out .
Sidharth – what was I even expecting from her ? he carried her to jojo’s room and tossed her into the bathtub like a cushion .and called Mrs Bhalla to change her clothes .
Sidharth – Thank you aunty ! for helping me .sorry to disturb you .
Mrs .Bhalla – No !no! it’s fine beta .You also helped us a lot .While looking at shenaaz ,I hope you can take care of her .She just pretends to be  strong ,but She is very fragile at heart.
Sidharth said, “ I will aunty, forever until the end .”

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