The plan

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Rose gets up from her chair casually grabbing her wand turning it to a spear.
"Didn't know you can do that..." Turning around she spots Ice Pea, with a cup fill with sugar water.
Rose shrugs, taking her wand back to its original form.
" I don't know, I've been testing. But the good news is that were getting new weapons made!!" Ice Pea smiled. "That's great, after this we'll go all back to normal." Rose ignored the comment as she was observing her magic skills. They were improving, but was it enough? The zombies were trying their hardest to making weapons to save the leaders, but that information is really deadly to spread out loud.
"Hello!! Earth to Rose!!" Rose blinked rapidly catching Ice Pea waving her leaf. While the other was holding something.

She'll ask about that later.

"Tell me about the plans, I want all the information necessary!!" Ice pea sat down on a chair. Rose then shrugged again.
"Well I'll start from the begining."

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