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Truth never damages a cause that is just

-Mahatma Gandhi

-Mahatma Gandhi

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Something happened today.On a norm first day of school's are usually bland with everyone wishing school never existed.

But today was different...sure I woke up looking like Princess Anna,went for a morning run with Jayden and even snoozed my alarm clock five times but if only I knew what was in store for me...I would have overdosed on Zolpidem.

"Just in and out?"She asked leaning her head on his chest playing with the rubber on her dainty hands

"Yeah"He whispered in her ear arms around her rubbing soothing circles on her back

"Will it hurt?"She looked up,blue-green eyes brimming in fear,their lips just inches apart.

"I can't promise you that babe.It will,it will hurt badly mostly because its your first time but it'll get better,I'll be gentle"He promised with a charming smile on his face gently placing her blond locks behind her ear

"OK...where will it be?"She sighed as he placed a kiss on her cheek

"Your as* maybe,i-"

"You guys know what your conversation sounds like right?" I slammed my locker shut and hugged my packed up lunch to my chest.Even though i do not get to spend much time with my mom she never fails to keep my tummy full.I love her.

Chase snickered

There's that friend that pretends to be innocent but knows every single innuendo you drop.Ladies and gentlemen may i introduce you to our very own captain of the cheer team,blonde bombshell,girlfriend of Drew Johnson and my girl best friend Katerina Reagan!

"What?"Kat pulled a face puckering her lips to that weird duck mouth thing all teenage girls are supposed to not be doing but are actually doing,Drew had his beefy arm around her waist his lean form in the school's varsity jacket, white tee,denim pants and sneakers.

The school hallway decorated in black and gold colors was bustling with students shoving their books into their gold locker and catching up on their holidays.

"It sounded like you wanted to give her an ana-" I elbowed Chase's solid rock torso and he oofed clutching it.

"Damn girl you hit like a guy,that elbow needs meat" He wheezed out sounding like Cicada and i smirked triumphantly and wished i could kiss my bony elbows.

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