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Chapter Eight°•°Pussies

"I have a tough personality but then have a very soft side to me. I'm kind of a tomboy, but I throw it together with girly pieces." - Sofia Richie


"Mom,are you talking to yourself?"

When I was little every night after tucking me in bed mom used to say she was going into Morpheus arms.It made me very anxious cause I thought she was cheating on dad so i got fed up one day,sneaked out of the house and ran all the way to the precinct with tears in my eyes to tell dad mom was seeing another man.

Right now,she looked like she really needed to be in Morpheus arms,her thick dark hair was pulled into a messy bun,her skin incredibly pale and flushed,lips chapped and blue eyes red and puffy with eyebags underneath.

"Maybe I was mia figlia" She yawned her voice thick with that italian accent.I put on my socks giving her a once over,she was in mom jeans and my I am Groot shirt,yes my mom and I share clothes she's like that mother who has refused to age,her body in perfect condition.

"Well why?" The house smelled of the steaming hot Lasagna in my and Jayden's lunch pack.He went out for a run like always so I was lounging in the sitting room waiting for him, its been days since that raccoon incident the scratches on my arm like paper cuts.

"I'm just tired amour,work is really hectic"

"Well isn't that what you want?A good thing.Señora de Guadalupe is answering your prayers isn't she?Customers from nooks and cranny"

"I suppose mija" She smiled flashing her teeth to me it made her appear brighter.My mom is of Italian and Spanish descent.Her mom had eloped as a seventeen year old with a Spanish man and bore her,the story is quite romantic and Shakespearean but it is very real.Many people wonder why my parents are not black whereas I am,my dad a private investigator went to Africa,Nigeria to be specific for a holiday and found me in a trash can.

Yeah ain't I lucky.

They call me amour in French as in love because they believe I rekindled their love,they just got married and mom had been desperate for a baby,she just couldn't have one and when he took me in they were the happiest couple on earth.They wanted another and adopted Jayden,he was already five and no one wanted to adopt someone they didn't train.

Dad is not always around now because he got stationed in NYPD precinct as the leading homicide detective,I guess his talents are really needed there seeing as De Funiak Spring is as peaceful as a fairytale.

Dad is of French descent and has forced the language on us,he's always believed in diversity in languages,I can speak Italian,Spanish,French and thanks to Rox and Mrs Raegan Kaleb's mom I can say tidbits of Arabic and German so its settled if I drop out of school I could always bag a high paying job to a rich CEO as a translator or become a musicians baby mama,preferably Kanye.I'm sure Kim won't mind.

"Hai pulito la tua stanza?"She asked hands akimbo knowing very well my room was as messy as a junkyard.I just don't know why she's a patrol officer to that room it's like she senses when its like that and I honestly don't get why its like that,I mean I just sit on the bed and do nothing.(Have you cleaned your room)

"si mamá creo que tengo" I lied in Spanish cause I prefer Spanish to Italian simply because she spoke that more when I was little,I remember I used to ace the tests while Kaleb just put -ito behind every word cupito immato hungrito he was such an idiot.(Yes momma I think I have)

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